Customer Service.......its the pits these days dont you think?

December 13, 2006 4:13pm CST
I have found lately that there isnt one place I go to shop or eat etc that doesnt have a 12yr serving me? McDonalds/Kentucky/Music Shops/Sports Shops you name it!!! McDonalds and Kentucky are by far the worst! I swear that they train their staff to work on auto pilot. My partner and I go through Kentucky/Maccas atleast once a week and we took notes on our orders everytime for the past three months. Not ONCE did we get exactly what we ordered!!! One time we didnt get out drinks? Another we didnt get exta salt on our chips (which I made a point of asking twice?). No Sauce. No straws. Asked for no ice in our ice? Am I being picky or should we not expect some kind of standard when it comes to 'SERVICE'? I once walked into a sports store to buy my stepson a cricket ball that logs the speed you throw it. A young girl all of about 16yrs was the only one serving. I asked her about it and she said 'no we dont have anything like that here' I was walking out when I realised I had walked right by them!!!! Thats $80 that store lost that day!!! I have to admit because it has happeded soooo much I go out shopping with a bad attitude now! Thankfully every blue moon some sales person will pleasantly surprise me with knowing their job and being helpful?
3 responses
• United States
13 Dec 06
Yeah this is true. I always get the people fooling around more at McDonalds then worrying about the customers and I hate it. I have said stuff to them or the manager so many times and nothing changes. It seems like most of them are there to have fun and make easy money and that is it! I would like to say Hello!!! Customers need service here!!
• Australia
13 Dec 06
Im so pleased others feel the same way. I really think some of these stores should do regular surveys so the general public "PEOPLE PAYING GOOD MONEY FOR GOODS OR SERVICES" can put their point across...I really think a lot of the managers will be surprised by the negative responses they get? Another big one is car salesmen. I noticed that when I was looking to buy a car they never seemed to come out into the yard unless I was dressed immaculately (like I could actually afford one)........I still have my $30,000 dollars sitting in the bank as I refused to give the money to some 'arrogant' sales person who happened to have just the car I wanted (without doing anything to earn it!!!). I would wait about ten minutes in a yard and then leave if I wasnt approached...........their loss
@vronron (83)
• Canada
13 Dec 06
I couldn't agree more. I can't count how many times I have walked into a fast food restaurant and received horrible service, or have gone in to a department store to literally be pushed around by employees. I don't know what has happened to good customer service, but it is a rare delight to experience these days.
• United States
13 Dec 06
I agree, I hate to get people in food service who obviously DONT like people.... i have told many " find another job"