This is awkward....

@cyberfluf (4996)
December 14, 2006 2:57am CST
I really don't get this, I had 801 points and I'm set back to 773 points! Don't get me wrong, I know why this happens; it's because of posts that do not add anything to the discussion and that are to short. Problem is; I hardly ever make short posts so I don't know why I loose this many points. Somehow it just feels awkward loosing so many points when you feel like you are contributing a good deal to mylot. I haven't been very active lately merely because I don't want to make junk posts just to be active. Actually, I don't feel very good about this topic either but I would like to hear some opinion about this, so I guess it's the best way to go. How to prevent losing so many user points again, making quality posts doesn't seem to do the trick so please help me out here! :(
2 people like this
5 responses
• United States
15 Dec 06
I feel it is unfair to penalize both parties. I think if it is a good topic that the person has made, then award the points to those that have positively participated in the discussion. My points keep going up and down. So as long as it stays in the 800's I'm happy for now. All I can do is just respond quality stuff. I'm kinda hesitant about posting new discussions at the moment.
1 person likes this
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
14 Dec 06
The reason you are losing points may have to do with the fact that you responded to a discussion from a person that may have had their account deleted for different reasons like: too many silly posts, stolen copyrighted or plagiarized topics. I know anytime I come across a discussion or a response by someone who blatantly plagiarizes or has engaged in copyright infringement and doesn't cite or reference the original author or site, I report them to myLot admin via the "!" button. MyLot will delete their accounts when they engage in this behavior, and you will see a decrease in your points if you responded to any one who has had their account deleted. However, I've not seen a decrease in my earnings.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
This was probably around the time that myLot deleted a lot of discussions and if you had replied to any of them then your response was also deleted which would affect your rating. It is unfortunate and happened to many people here on myLot and some of those people have not returned since then. All you can do is give a quality response to every discussion that you choose to make a response to. If you think that the discussion might have been stolen or something like that then do not respond to it. If someone response to a discussion of yours and you think that it is a "cut and paste" or stolen response, then suggest that you also contact myLot by using the (!) and asking them to investigate. Good luck and hope that this doesn't happen to you again.
@finidinwa (497)
• United States
10 Jan 07
well it is really nice i said yes....................
@JoeyCa (1810)
• Belgium
3 Jan 07
There isn't much you can do about it, sometimes whole threads are being deleted when there's some copy/paste post in it.... xx