how to make easy money?

United States
December 14, 2006 9:20am CST
does anyone out there know the secret to making money on the internet and im not talking about small amounts i mean where i can maintain a residual income.and please nothing that is a scam i know if you have to pay for it its a scam.
2 responses
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
14 Dec 06
There is some truth to "you gotta spend a little to make a lot" and "you don't get anything for free". But you also have to do your research on any company because there are quite a few that don't live up to what they promise. "Easy Money" is also a dream world - unless you win the lottery, but that still costs something to start with. I have a home-based business that I do part-time for the time being. I put work into it and will be able to make this into my husbands full-time job. He'll be his own boss and we'll have a reliable residual income. It's a great company - a member of the BBB. Let me know if you'd like more information. Good Luck to you!
• United States
14 Dec 06
thank you i dont mind investing if it works i dont mind working as long as im making the money not a big corporation.i would like some more info .
14 Dec 06
Hmm. I make quite a steady income but it's no where near enough to live on, one day i hope it will be but i haven't learnt the secret either. :]