Why I Hate Christmas - The Boozy Mommy Chronicles Part 2

December 17, 2006 8:51am CST
Ok, so after the Scotland debacle, my brothers did not want to spend christmas with my mother again. It was a long time before they did. On the other hand, I am a glutton for punishment. When I was 15 even though my dad was having Xmas at his place, my mom asked me to come to her place. Now this takes a little explaining. In our family christmases , we wait until everybody gets up and we all open stockings first and presents after. Thats always been the traditon. At my moms new house, (i dont actually have a room, I stay in one of the 3 guest rooms) - and I wake up at 9:30 or so to discover that they ( my boozy mom and husband) ave already opened their presents for each other in their bedroom (which I am not allowed in) So basically, I sit out in the living room waiting for them to come out so I will have somebody to open presents with. After an hour or so, they come out, all dressed up to go out on boozy mommy and her boyrfiend's boat. I am not invited. So I sit in the living room, watching TV, opening presents totally alone (because they even took the dog) - crying And that was my second christmas with my boozy mom and her booozy boyfriend after the separation divorce. And thats not even the worst folks.. it actually even gets worse than that.... Stay tuned for the BOOZY MOMMY CHIRSTMAS CHRONICLES PART III
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