He shows the world the new way to be HEALTHY .

December 17, 2006 12:11pm CST
Swami Ramdev Maharaj is a Saint teaching Yoga and Pranayam since last few years his way of training and teaching is so simple and effective that any anyone who was fearing from the process of doing yoga as tidious work become fond of yoga.Swami Ramdev popularise Yoga so much that almost all age group people take benifite of it.The contribution of Swamiji not ends here.The Great job he done and proved that all the disiese Any Type of diseas,acute or chronic wheather it was belived incurable by western Doctors that disease Diabetise,Hypertention,Asthama,Migrain,Epilepsy Paalysis etc. can be cured by regular practice of Yoga. Not few but thousand of people get cured from this disease. He is founder of Patanjali Yoge Sansthan at Hridwar where 5000 people can be reside and take Yoga training ang treament.Swamiji continued his mission by visiting all over India and abroad.
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