December 19, 2006 12:20am CST
When you gaze up at the stars, Remember that I too have looked At those same stars, and you will See my eyes adoring you. When you feel the wind caress your Face, remember that the same wind has Blown over mine and you will feel my Breath upon your cheek. When you feel the sun branding your Body, remember that the same sun has Heated my body and you will feel me touching you. When you lie in bed at night illuminated by the Light of the moon, remember that the same Moon has shone down on me and you will Feel the contentment of me sleeping next to you. When you hear the thunder in the sky, remember that I too have experienced the same resonance above me and You will hear me calling you. When you feel the rain descending upon your head, Remember that the same torrent has washed over me And you will heed the moisture of my tears longing for you. When you smell the earth after the rain, remember that I too have breathed in the same emanation and you will Experience my scent. When you are happy think of me, and remember That I too have fantasized about you and you will Behold my smile. When you are afraid, remember that I too have Tasted fear and you will feel my hand holding yours. When you feel alone in this life, remember that I too have felt solitude and you will relish my love. If you would open your eyes, touch with awakened Hands, listen more intensely, smell more keenly, and Taste to the fullest, realizing that I too have been Given the gift of these senses, then you will see, Feel, hear, smell, and taste me all around you every Minute of every day. I am with you always.
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