Either you love them, or you don't!

United States
December 20, 2006 6:38pm CST
I have a 2004, yellow Jeep Wrangler. It's not for everybody. A jeep is a rugged vehicle, and either you like them, or you don't. I love mine. I love driving on a warm summer night with the top down, under the stars. I love when the top is up, and the rain is hitting the roof. I live in Florida, and this state is known for it's 20 minute long rain showers every afternoon in the summertime from the humidity. I don't even mind if I'm on my way home from work, and the shower hits while the top is down. My jeep will dry and so will I! These are all reasons why I love my jeep. Do you own a jeep now, or have you ever? Why do you or don't you love it? If you don't own one now, why did you get rid of it?
4 responses
• United States
5 Feb 07
I take my Jeep EVERYWHERE. it's so sturdy and reliable. I have a 2000 wrangler. it's white and has a sweet lift on it. Jeeps are great, but ever since the increase in gas prices, i some times wish i had a smaller car. If gas wasn't a problem, i'd love my jeep with all my heart.
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• United States
5 Feb 07
I am a stay at home mom and I drive a wrangler too. It isnt the most family friendly car but there is nothing like taking the top off durring the spring and driving through the mountains. I think once you own a jeep it gets in your blood and you will own one or wish you did forever. My husband and I drove around in one when we were dating and we have owned one since then. We now each have one. I am super excited for the 4 door jeep wrangler they have reciently came out with. It is an upgrade for us and we will have one in the next few months. Its great to find other jeep lovers like me. Thanks.
@kids91911 (4363)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Sorry I have never owned a jeep but I do like them for going mudding.
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• Canada
30 Jan 07
Hey jeepstergirl - I love jeeps too. I am tossing up betwen the wrangler and the liberty. My first love is by far the wrangler though. I hired one in Australia and it was the best holiday I have ever had. I love it for all the reasons you do. Living in Canada, it would be great for the snow, but come summer time it would be awesome for top down cruising. OK, I've made my mind up.. wranger wins its..
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