Divorce rate an rolls in the household.

a family - a family
United States
December 21, 2006 11:03am CST
ok, Im sure this is going to make some SAHM. upset.. but being one myself I feel I have the right to address this topic. I am seeing lots of topics about " lazy husbands" who think that becuase they work all day, they shouldnt have to help around the house becuase " mom " has been there all day.... well I agree. I feel like a man should go to work all day while the wife takes care of the house ( assuming she doesnt work outside of the home ) there are SAHM who can admit everyday isnt as bad as some try to make it out to be. I think the ones who complain about how hard being a SAHM is .. would complain about any line of work they are in. I have freinds who call me " old fashioned " ( im 24 with a 5 year old daughter an a 6 month old son ) I was raised in a household with a single mom and 2 younger siblings. so I was not brought up like this.. it's just what works for us. but think about it .. in the 50's when the " roles" of husband and wife were very set.. the divorce rate was MUCH lower.. and now a days it is like 50% or something crazy like that.. I just wonder
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