i regret not using mylot for some time now.

September 24, 2006 2:31pm CST
the time i spent loking for other way to get paid on line could have earn me more on mylot. do you think you are making the same mistake?
11 responses
@perkelvin (264)
• Nigeria
4 Oct 06
sorry man we are not in the same shoe good luck
• United States
4 Oct 06
I am glad you came back. Today is my first day here.
@sevenseas (754)
• United States
25 Sep 06
I make money other ways online also, such as surveys and some other sites, but I wish I had also known about this site when it first got started. I do agree you can end up wasting alot of time on other things that do not pay if you aren't careful.
@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
4 Oct 06
Me too, I make most all my money online and was glad to find this. Just very easy to do. When I'm having a slow day with other outlets I come here to try and make up for some of it. This pays me less than anything else, but it adds up.
@ransome (276)
• Nigeria
4 Oct 06
yes you
@fizza10 (1718)
• Pakistan
4 Oct 06
yes i totally agree with you....because i've also wasted enough of my time looking around for various other sites....but they never pay you as much as mylot does.....and that too in such a simpler and easier way in which everyone enjoys.....
@cooltj89 (387)
• India
7 Oct 06
Mylot can be fun in the starting days.....but im not sure to wht extent i can keep posting here ........my postings are like a rollercoaster ride ........some days i earn 1$+ while the other days i dont earn even 3 cents......but few refs earn me a bit.......in future i need something else to earn to including mylot.....
@bhbirdie6 (1765)
• United States
7 Oct 06
I sometimes wonder if Mylot is a mistake for me. You have to spend some serious time on here to make any money and sometimes I wonder if I'm just wasting my time and could just get another job. But hey... we'll see how it works out in a bit.
@van123 (1287)
• India
25 Sep 06
i agree with u
@1346795 (805)
• Greece
4 Oct 06
I think that you can make more money than mylot if you are able to create a good website. At start of course it is very difficult and if you are able to do a right job, you have good ideas and you are a little bit lucky you will earn much more money in the future. But of course it is very difficult thats why everyone of us is hear. But what i do and advise to you is ti try to built a website at the same time as you are talking to my lot.
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
25 Sep 06
not really, since I found mylot I have been trying to be on here as much as possible, but to get a decent amount of money you have to be on here for almost all day everyday.
• India
25 Sep 06
i hav never tried... thank u for letting me know... anyway i am not going to repeat ur mistake..
@jetlady (338)
• Philippines
24 Sep 06
No, I don't want to make the same mistake that's why I always make it a point to log in here and post something no matter how busy I am with other businesses, online or offline. myLot is here to pay us for our participation, so no appearance or activity, no pay or less pay. the same with other forums or types of investments. Good thing you've realize that early to warn us also. lol.