Welcome to the Matrix

@feralcat (426)
December 26, 2006 8:23am CST
When I went to see this movie for the first time I was more interested in the special effects and drink it all in. The second time I saw it I paid more attention to the story line rather then its esthetic value and it dawned on me that as a film set in the "not" so distant future, we live in a matrix. Our world to a degree is ran by computers, we are all numbers after all to the powers that be. For as much "freedom" as we are or seem to beleive we have, there are outside forces that are constantly trying to control our lives. Government, religion, law, other people in our lives the matrix does exist; not as a some sci-fi entity or machine ruled world but by other people who try to rule and control people. How deep into the matrix we look determines how much of our life and freedom we have. Seems that often times the truth is hidden behind a sublte yet powerful veil that blinds us to the realities of the world we live in and I often wonder that if those who see beyond this veil are the ones who are seen as eccentric, strange, deviants, etc... I've often encountered people who think me a little off kilt for my way of thinking. I look beyond the subtleness of this sheet pulled over our eyes and for free thinking I have often been reffered to as a little off the wall, weird, eccentric but be it such as it may, I think once we look beyond the matrix we see the reality of what is truly out there and often times, it does not paint a pretty picture.
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1 response
@pandya (334)
• India
26 Dec 06
yes... this movie has an awesome concept behind it... i've watched the trilogy at least a 20 times.. read the scripts...and thought over it... i've also found a few logical explanations 2 the otherwise impossible ongoings in the movie... u can also refer 2 matrix-explained.com a gr8 site for the fanatics of dis movie!