Ashes BBC commentary team: best and worst

December 26, 2006 6:00pm CST
My fave commentator on the BBC's team is good old Blowers! He's got some lovely old-fashioned turns of phrase, and his overflowing enthusiastic waxing lyrical at the sight of a butterfly, some seagulls, or even just some nearby cranes (the building-site type) is just a pure joy to listen to. His commentary makes the ludicrously late nights of the series so much easier to bear. On the other hand, Christopher Martin-Jenkins is everything that's bad and life-sapping about cricket commentary. He doesn't seem to understand what's going on oftentimes, drones on about how HE in his infinite wisdom (!??!!) thinks the England team should be playing, and just loves name-dropping. He's very much of the old Establishment viewpoint, and just tows the MCC line unthinkingly. Every time he begins his smug joyless droning, we need matchsticks under the eyelids to stay awake! Who's the best and who's the worst cricket commentator in your opinion, and why?
1 response
28 Dec 06
Blowers is a truly dear old thing, though not quite as good as the indominatable Brian Johnston. The late great commentator is most well known for his bursting into uncontrollable tears of laughter after describing an Ian Botham dismissal, suffering profoundly from the mocking of his fellow commentatoe, Johnathon Agnew. CMJ is the most tedious & boring man to have ever held a microphone, and should be buried alive under his MCC. Aggers, though, continues to bring plenty of humour to proceedings, even if it is at the expense of his team-mates.
1 person likes this
1 Jan 07
Well said!