Cremation or not

December 27, 2006 2:40am CST
Are you for, or against cremation? What is the common practice in your country?
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14 responses
@mansha (6298)
• India
30 Dec 06
In my culture its a common practice to cremate the person. My mom and dad were cremated too. You know I personally wish to be buried. I miss my mom and sometimes I feel we should have buried her and then at least I could have gone to her grave and speak with her whenever I would have liked. It would have been like having her physically present somewhere. I wish I could give my children that feeling for which I yearn for but may be hey will not feel like that in the same way. who knows?
• United States
30 Dec 06
We do anything in my country. But, I want to be cremated. Less space to take up, and less expensive.
@missinghim (1339)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I've told my family to just creamate me. It's cheaper, and you don't have to have a church service with everyone crying. Just cremate me and scatter my ashes into the ocean.
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
29 Dec 06
In my country the common practice is burial. I'm not for cremation, nor against it...
@jilcruz (373)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
Im against with Cremation..but in the Philippines they are practicing both..
@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I think it's okay if the person wants to have that done. I'm thnking that I might prefer it myself. In the US you can choose I believe.
@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
27 Dec 06
I am in support for cremation because it is natural and enviornment friendly. If bury people you need lots of space btu with cremation you don't need lots of space.
• India
28 Dec 06
iam not against cremation and in my country india creamtion is mostly practiced and it depends on religion to religion.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
27 Dec 06
cremation - topic about cremation and where we do not as a rule cremate our people here in the states it is a viable option and sometimes cheaper to do than a regular burial from what I have heard
Am not against cremation just don't want it done to this body when I am done with it. We tend to busy everbody here in the states. Even pets have cemetaries. Personally with my property I would want a permit gotten so that I could be buried out in my woods!!
@the_actor (494)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
I don't like cremation.
• India
27 Dec 06
According to the Hindu tradition,the human body is composed of the 5 elements.When you cremate a person,the body disintegrates back into the 5 elements again.Of course,that also involves dissolving the ashes in the holy Ganges.
• United States
27 Dec 06
I'm not really for or against it. I believe in some circumstances people have to be cremated, but others choose to be. Personally, I would like to be buried rather than cremated. I would like to create a place where people may come to see me if that's what makes them feel better. But that's just me.
@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
27 Dec 06
Both in my Country.. Most people have burials and others have Cremation it depends on the Family of the deceased.. Its quite common here..
@bimmer999 (1159)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
i am for cremation... its the most practical thing to do.. then keep the ashes in an unbreakable vase.