How can i lose 30 pounds in 1 month???

December 29, 2006 9:37pm CST
I tried a lot of things just to lose 30 pounds.... I already tried the belly dancing, yoga, not to eat after six, drink plenty of water before i eat, i even try medicine, but its all didn't work for me... Can you help me and give me more advice which you think is realy effective... I'm realy hopeless....
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1 response
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I don't think it would be very healthy for you to lose 30 pounds in ONE month! Sounds like you already know most of the tricks. One way I've lost a few pounds is to have a big breakfast, average size lunch and a lite dinner. And if I get hungry again b4 bed, I will have one of those diet snack bars. I wasn't trying to lose 30 pounds though! Have you tried the "Special K" diet? They have a lot of new foods that they have added to their cereal collection. Sorry, I probably wasn't much help. I tried. Have a great day!