Should there be a limit on how many kids you have?

United States
September 29, 2006 11:29am CST
Ive heard people say that there should be a limit on how many kids you and you husband/wife should be ALOUD to have! what do you think???
2 responses
• United States
9 Oct 06
I think as long as you are able to provide for your children then no one has the right to tell you how many you can have. My exhusbands cousin is mormon and is about to have her fourth child and is wanting more. Most of the families on his side have had at least 7 children, who's to tell them they can't? They all have great jobs and their children are raised quite well with great morals. It is no ones decision except yours.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
9 Oct 06
No I don't think there should be a limit because who makes that decision, the Government? If a couple can afford to clothe, feed and educate every child they have then the number should be up to them.