What do you think about witches and witchcraft

United States
January 4, 2007 7:36pm CST
Tell me what you think about this.
4 responses
• Portugal
10 Jan 07
I believe that both exists, but I donĀ“t like when some of witches use the power that they got to make evil.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jan 07
the "powers they got" just out of curiousity what powers exactly are you refering to? and what evil for that matter?
@Duvessa (913)
• United States
10 Jan 07
yes do tell I'd love to hear this.
• United States
3 Feb 07
Being a Witch myself, I think it is a powerful and Magickal place to be in your life.
@Duvessa (913)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I myself am a witch so therefore I have no problem with it.
@shilpa28k (1737)
• India
10 Jan 07
beleive all is possible! The mind is very powerful! It can be good or bad! It's all what u make of it! It is a form of religion(believing in what is seen and felt)they cant be judged,as noone should! But yes i believe they exist,they are spiritual people,they just chose odd ways to do so,that other's dont understand! Most fear it, cause they dont understand it,or they chose not too! I practice their beliefs, we are not worshipers of satan(but there are some who do,but we can tell who they are!) Live life your way,and how you see fit,cause no matter what you believe in, someday we will all sit at the judgement table together!!