If You Were Stranded In An Island...

United States
January 4, 2007 11:08pm CST
If you were to be stranded in the middle of an isolated island, for 4 months, with no means to leave, what three most important things/items for you that you'd bring along and what one person would you pick to be with you? There is one specific answer which should I happen to see here, I'd get mad ;)
3 responses
• United States
5 Jan 07
Well 1st, the person i would have with me is my Hubby....Because he is a great problem solver!!!! Sometimes i dont know what id do without him!!! And the 3 things i'd bring with us is hard to choose, lol But id think id have a journal set, so i can write down what happens everyday, like a memory thing....And then a saw, to cut things, so i can build stuff...And last i would have a paddle...Why a paddle, it goes along with the saw :):):) Like i said my hubby is a problem solver...He could get us off the island in less then a month with those things :)
1 person likes this
5 Jan 07
Hmm. The items are difficult but i would definately take my boyfriend. He's the only one i can stand to be around for extended periods of time. Maybe a book? A knife for cutting things and some matches.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Jan 07
Nice choices... but a book? I like how you chose matches over a lamp...or were your intentions aimed at making fire in the first place, and not having light... How about clothes and/or food? ;)
@sheikhm (32)
• India
5 Jan 07
Water, Boat and Lamp....My Girlfriend
• United States
6 Jan 07
Could you not substitute the water with something more useful, while drinking sea water? ;)