motivation when working at home

United States
January 5, 2007 6:38pm CST
I have been working from home for the last 8 years, well almost 9. While the freedom is nice, often times its very hard to stay motivated. Lately I have been really distracted with all the Internet sites claiming to help you make money...and the spam sites that are all pretty much a rip-off. I have some sites that have decent traffic but have never really made much money with them. I am starting to explore some of these systems and services but do not want to hear about them in this discussion. My main source of income is from clients that pay me to help with their marketing. I work with the real estate industry not as an agent but as a consultant. It pays the bills. I was wondering how many people on here have a real job working from home. Do you have a real job working from home that does not come off as a scam when trying to explain it to your friends and family?
1 response
@janet069 (663)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I'm a writer and while a lot of my work is done in research away from home I also do research on the net. When I'm writing I'm at home on my computer. I usually have a hard time getting myself away from my computer and cleaning house. I can't say I make a lot of money but I make as much as anybody else in this area that goes to an 8 hour job.
• United States
6 Jan 07
I hear ya, Not sure i could go back to working in an office