Electric Blanket....bad for you?

United States
January 6, 2007 5:45pm CST
I recently had a friend to tell me that sleeping under an electric blanket is bad for my health. She said that she read that it was bad in some way but couldn't remember in what way! Of course I know that should it malfunction there would be a risk of fire,but other than that, what is the problem? Have any of you known anyone to have a health problem that was caused by an electric blanket?
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5 responses
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
30 Jan 07
My husband seems to think it can make you sterile. He has some strange ideas though. I would love to have an electric blanket but I flop around in bed so much when I sleep that I would probably damage it.
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@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
Modern electric blanket are very save, pick one that UL certified. Also, there is a new item called low voltage electric blanket.
@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 11
You can check extra resource here : http://sunbeam-electric-blankets.blogspot.com
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I don't think that the electric blanket poses any risks other than the remote risk of malfunction and fire- and the blankets are all manufactured by OSHA standards today to minimize the risk. I sleep under my electric blanket every night during the winter and I love it! I think that I do remember people years ago saying that the electric blanket could cause cancer, but this was proven false because the blanket does NOT emit any form of radiation. So, enjoy the warmth!
• Ireland
7 Jan 07
I tried sleeping on top of an electric underblanket a few times, and while i ADORED the cosiness and warmth, unfortunately I couldn't carry on because I felt nauseous every time I used it! I have since discovered that there are some people who are in fact 'allergic' to electricity, to a greater or lesser extent. I do have a rather sensitive body system after many years of bad health, so I think this applies to me to a very small extent. Now taking into account the fact that I had never heard of this complaint before I had problems with the blanket, and also the fact that I loved the blanket and REALLY wanted to continue to use it, I don't think this could have been psychosomatic.
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
27 Jan 12
I've never heard of any health risks caused from an electric blanket. One possibility is cancer or birth defects. I noticed recently when I buy new appliances, there is a tag or paper that warns that a substance in the electric cord has been known to cause birth defects and reproductive cancer. And they say to wash your hands after handling the product. I've seen them on extension cords, irons, iPod docks, and more. I see that this topic was created 6 years ago, so maybe back then, these notices were not included with products. Perhaps if you went to buy an electric blanket now, you'd find this notice. And consider that electric blankets are intended to be right on top of you....Maybe this was what your friend was referring to.....