Vote Weepublican

Weepublicans - Photo of child wearing a t-shirt with inscription:  The mess in my pants is nothing compared to the mess democrats will make of this country if they win Nov 2.  Vote Weepublican.1
@gifana (4833)
January 8, 2007 1:22pm CST
I was looking for something else and ran across this photo which I thought might make for a "fight". Do you agree or disagree with it's message. I, personally, agree. How many times (nationally) have the republicans tried to get things rolling and then all of a sudden the democrats move in and send it all down the drain?
3 responses
@Marshell (60)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Them thair's fightin' WORDS! I was a staunch Democrat. But I decided to become independent:TOTALLY. I do vote, don't get me wrong. But I vote for whom I believe will will do the best job. I do not believe in voting within your party. I would not "vote" for my blond friends just because I am a "blond", if you get the drift. Another thing that really bothers me is: I do not care who you are you will have skeletons in your closet. I do not care who is under your desk :), as long as my country is safe and secure. I believe peoples personal life has no place in government. By the way, where is the picture?
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
10 Jan 07
Did you get a good look at the pictured?
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
18 Jan 07
How right you are. It seems every year it gets more difficult to find candidates that have a lot of get up and go and who are willing to go up against lobbies and pressures in order to fulfill their convictions. As always...nice to see you....have a nice day.
@suscan (1955)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I agree, I am registered Republican,but I never vote the straight ticket. I vote for who I think deserves to be in office. Usually none of them but we have to make a choice.
1 person likes this
• Canada
8 Jan 07
I don't agree with it, but I do think it's a very funny message. LOL I'm sure the Democrats would say the same thing about Republicans sending it all down the drain. I may disagree with the message, but i love the humour.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
8 Jan 07
Okay....there will probably be more that disagree than agree but who cares. I posted it for the fun of it but to make it a "legal" post I tried to make people come up with some more humor. Not really looking for a "fight". Thanks for dropping by and giving your opinion.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
But somehow the title Weeocrats doesn't seem as amusing as Weepublicans...hehehehe
@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I can't say I disagree with it or agree with it. Its cute because the kid is waaaaaaay to young to make a decision or have an impact, so its cute.
1 person likes this
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
That was the reason for the post. I was not looking for anyone to say they were democrat or republican. It just hit my fancy. But some of the responses have been on track.