Alternate Steelers Uniform

Steelers Yellow Jersey - Only half-finished, but wouldn't it be nice for the Steelers to have a special jersey to break out for big time games?
@ugachaka (297)
United States
January 9, 2007 10:27pm CST
I've always been into getting Steelers items that no one else has. I have zero interest in putting one more Roethlisberger or Polamalu jersey out on the streets. I have one of the few Santonio Holmes jerseys (I wasn't really able to wear it with pride too often and why would anyone who claims the Steelers are their favorite team pick Kordell's number?) and I try to get hats that I don't see everyday. Now they're starting to come out with some different jerseys, like ones that are all black/white and ones that have grey in place of the white. But what I've always wanted is the Steelers to have a 3rd jersey to wear on special occasions, like teams that occasional wear all black uniforms or the Giants red jersey or the Bears orange jersey. I played around in Paint with this image a while back but I never had the attention span to finish it off. Hopefully you can get the jist of what I was going for. I admit it would look a little fruity with yellow pants, but it would look good with black. We wouldn't be the only team that has a second style of pants for special uniforms. Let me know what you think. I know we pride ourselves on being almost boring (no cheerleaders, same uniforms for almost a century), but I'd like to see us to something to add a little excitement and variety.
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3 responses
• United States
30 Jan 07
It is not a terrible idea, but it is kind of against what the Steelers stand for. The point of the no cheerleaders, same uniform, steadiness is because they are are blue collar kind of team. They don't like the flash of the other teams. I like the soildness of what they have now. I love it when I got to a game and see some guy in his seventies wearing stuff that has been seeing Steelers games for longer than I have been around.
• United States
20 Jan 07
I would also like to see the Steelers get some kind of alternate uniform. Even though I do like theirs currently, I would also like to see something different. An all black jersey would be OK if the jerseys we had weren't almost all black anyways. The gold would be good too. However, from your picture, i would like a more gold color instead of the yellow you used. But still, I really like the idea.
@Ariana17 (92)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Ooh, I'd love to see more yellow! I'd like to see a finished picture with the whole uniform. I may play around with Paint and try to finish it off.