Nail biters suck! Help me stop!

United States
October 2, 2006 9:07pm CST
I bite my nails and I know it's a disgusting habit but I just can't stop! Any tips for quitting???
4 responses
@HomerBundy (1325)
• United States
3 Oct 06
wear gloves...HA... i really dont know since ive never even thought about biting my nails...i just asked people around my house and they dont know anyone who bites their nails either...ive seen people do it, but never asked why...strange habit...
• United States
21 Oct 06
No one else has any tips or suggestions to help me stop?
• India
3 Oct 06
Try eating a toffe or a chewing gum everytime you have the urge to bite your nails then since you rae chewing something already you will not have the urge to bite nails
• United States
3 Oct 06
i used to do that then i started painting my nails and quit cause nail polish yuck
• United States
3 Oct 06
Here's what worked for me. I use to chew my nails till I was chewing them off the nailbed. My father-in-law started telling me to "quit" every time he saw me start, and I would. I started letting them grow, and as long as I'm able to see them sticking up from my fingers about 1/4 of an inch, I don't have the urge to bite them. They grow really fast and now, I literally have to trim them once every two months or they're out to about 1/2 inch before I know it. Get someone to do this for you.