The Best Compliment You Have Ever Recieved

United States
January 11, 2007 9:34am CST
I know in life the bad things that people say to us usually stick with use longer than the good things that they say. Is there something good that has been said to you that you will never forget? I am trying to think of the best compliment I have ever recieved and I honestly can't think of anything. A ton of bad things are flooding into my head right now. Very sad.
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3 responses
@SaraCate (184)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
Best? Maybe. Most unique? Definitely! Here's the story... I had good friend (we've since lost touch) who I hadn't seen in a while. I'd been really sick - in the hospital - and he knew this. I was at work (selling sewing machines at the time :) and he greeted me, said how good it was to see me, etc. I had no customers, so we chatted a bit. At some point, I made a comment about what a geek/nerd I'd been in high school. I then said, "Well...I still am, it's just more fashionable now." His repsonse? "Oh hon, you're not a geek! If I were 30 years younger, and (in a low voice) not gay, I'd ask you out!" LOL - that one's stuck with me for years, and usually makes me smile! ~Sara
• United States
11 Jan 07
The best compliment that I ever got was when my eldest daughter was 18. She and I went to have one of those "glamour shots" done, and during the session the guy asked her if her "Sister" was going to be in the picture with her. When she told him I was her Mom he looked like she slapped him and just said "no way that's your Mom; what was she 3 when she had you?". lol I'll never forget that. :-)
• United States
11 Jan 07
lol..I can see how that would be a very good compliment to recieve. I bet your daughter didn't like it so much. lol At least not as much as you.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry that you are only thinking of bad things! You must have been complimented plenty - you are such a talented and prolific writer here on Mylot! ^_^ I think that a major compliment from someone who isn't one of our closest friends or family might be the one that will stick with us the longest, because it is the most surprising. Last year I had a very kind person tell me that I have a beautifully positive personality and a real gift for writing, and I will probably never forget what he said. I thought that they were some of the kindest words that have ever been said to me. ^_^ ^_^