Am I The Only One Who's Heard Of The Venus Project?

@peaceful (3294)
United States
January 11, 2007 11:12am CST
If so, it's a chilling prospect for all of us and the future of our Planet... When good and workable solutions, like The Venus Project, can only recieve exposure on a few college and public access stations... I'm beginning to see that there are forces, people and institutions, who are dead set on maintaining the "Status Quo", and are perhaps banking on the certain and steady march of our species into a horrifying future... Now for the Good News! :) (My apologies for that bit of "doom and gloom" at the beginning, you will be spared any more of that stuff!) The Venus Project is a comprehensive, workable solution for our collective cultures to be able to transform ourselves and therefore, create a much more positive future for all species and Our Earth... An old joke goes something like this: "There ain't no place, like this place, anywhere near this place, so this must be The Place!" Could it be that we've got all that we need, right here at Home, to better our Lives, right now? I'm willing to bet you that a lot of us don't, can't and won't see it that way!!! Ya wanna know why? It's because we've been "caught and taught" by systems of resource distribution that are based on priciples that date back almost 5000 years! Ok, Ok... You can just hold onto the jokes about your in-laws being familiar with the beginnings of our monetary systems... Now, The Venus Project proposes this unheard of question... What about a World Economy based on the peaceful, global sharing of RESOURCES! I mean, not just what the Earth Produces, but what we as a species have learned over the last 5000 years! Alright, alright... I know it's an odd concept, but one of the first lessons that most of us learned in Life was to... SHARE! Could it somehow be that the "bullies and bad boys and girls" of selfish disposition... have gotten ahold of our collective Good Will somewhere around 5000 years ago and created cultures,institutions and systems based on the way that they see our World? Well, I dunno but, what I do know is that it's not working out so well... We've got telling symtoms of pollution, poverty, violence, disease,racism and any other "isms" you could think of and there are commercial (money-making)interests in all of 'em... Whut's up wid dat? Yes, you can buy stock(s) in companies and corporations who deal with related industries in the "isms" listed above! Maybe it's just me, but I'm seeing something a little perverse here... Well, I've got a date with a great cup of coffee, and my intention with this post was to entertain and inform... I hope that I've met my intentions, which are always meant for The Good... Here is the link to The Venus Project: Take heart, the really are people out there who love this Earth the way you do... and they are trying their level best to show it... May Blessings Abound for you and yours and may Joy, Abundance and Peace become your very best friends for the rest of your days! :)
4 responses
15 Jan 07
I went to the site and saw what the Venus Project is all about, sounds very academic at the moment. I would love to see more of this being implemented... Please keep sharing more of such information.
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@peaceful (3294)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I will certainly keep the "Gates of Communication" flowing as much as I can, however I really will need a little bit of help... If you can just spread the word and share the link, perhaps we can force a public debate on this very, very important issue... We've got the power of the Internet (for now,at least) so we've got to use it wisely... Thank you for your response! May Blessings Abound for you and yours!
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Thank you for your comments and observations, dd... The Venus project is still trying to be heard above all the noise that is streaming out of governments and special interest groups after all of these years. As you already know, this article is over four years old, and there have been some very drastic changes in our Earth's fragile conditions since then... I am very dismayed to say the least.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
15 Jan 07
blessed be my friend, ive heard of it and we are trying to spread the word, but as you have already pointed out vested interest began the battle for hearts and minds long before we got up and running, now we have to fight it all over again. What we want and what we think we need have become confused. The difficulty now is as much re education as it is saving our only planet blessed be may Isis smile upon thee with her blessing
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• United States
12 Jan 07
I have not heard about it at all. Thanks for taking the time to write this all, and share it with us. Do you think it will make a more possitive impact for us? Where did you get all this info from?
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@peaceful (3294)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I found out about it on a college TV station that had a very free format before the college adminstration started censoring them... I was so intrigued by what The Venus Project had to say that wrote down the website address, luckily for me because after only seeing it one time, the program was pulled... When I visited the website, I became more and more convinced that these people were really onto something... I am amazed at the lack of truly good news that gets on the air these day, so I've gone on a "News Fast" and have decided to share only the "Good Stuff" with others... God And Goddess knows... we get our share and more of the "bad stuff"!
• United States
15 Jan 07
Thank you for explaining and responding back to me. Very interesting. Have a great day.
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@ddrt1234 (45)
• Australia
25 Oct 10
No, you are not alone. But like everything else so ahead of its time, thevenusprojet is hard to grasp. As it provides such a radical changes which will shakes the foundation of our establishment and ourselves, it seems impossible to be eventuated. Somehow thevenusproject and zeitgeist need to find more less radical way to get themselves heard. In future TVP needs to distance itself from TZM as there is no need for a consparicy theory to get any boost or to justifying themselves. TVP has enough material to establish its own ideology without endangering themselves and involving themselves with religion, conspiracy, and corrupt world.