Just a Smart*** response to so many discussions here on Mylot.

United States
January 11, 2007 1:38pm CST
I turn on the news, here in the U.S. and all I hear is Iraq this and Iraq that, when I know that there are countless other things going on, but those things get rarely mentioned. And even such stations that purport to discuss other world issues, are not to be trusted in their coverage, because as we know, 99.9% of the stations are "bought" and have interests other than the honest portrayal of world issues. So, since everyone is always discussing Iraq, I figured I might as well join the ongoing debate, since it doesn't look like it will be ending anytime soon, thanks to the rat (and for those of you that don't know who that is, it is the name I called Bush, ever since he took office, because of his rodent-like features, that so accurately describe his personality also). Now, for those of you that do watch the news, I am sure that you have heard we have now increased our 132,000 troops to 152,000. Many join to serve and protect this nation. However, they just did not realize that they were putting their lives in the hands of someone who takes them for granted. Then, there are others that relish the thought of "fighting terror," whether they truly know what that means, is a bone of contention with me, because they have become what they distaste. It's too bad the rat never fought in any wars, or he wouldn't be too quick starting them, but since he has no experience on this issue, (except watching his good old dad), he has made a total muck out of everything. And, knowing him, he will continue to do so, until his last second in office. I can only hope that he will not continue to be a pain in the world's collective backside after he is out of office. I am counting down the days until he has to vacate the whitehouse premises (only 739 to go). Lucky for us, since we might never have a female in office (although many have set their hopes on Hillary), we can rest assured that there will not be any of the rat's daughters following in his footsteps. And since Jeb's sons have decided that they prefer scandal and corruption, to political subterfuge, we won't have to worry overmuch about them either. At least, not unless we end up with an Arnold-like situation, in which someone marries into the Bush family, and then gets "coaxed" into running for office. That is not to say that the Bushes can compare to the Kennedys. If that occurs, there is no telling when the "Bush Family Reign of Total Incompetency" will end. It could go on for generations, especially if he dies and becomes glorified after his death. Or worse, if somewhere down the road, all the children that have been led to believe that going into Iraq (or instigating a war in any country that does not meet our political and economical needs) was somehow a right and just thing to do, then we could end up with even more pathetic presidents down the line. History does repeat itself, especially since it is written by idiots. Although many of you disagree with me, I hope it is not because of the "holier than thou" mentality that means absolutely nothing, and is instead based on relevant theories or facts. Keep in mind that it is my right to criticize whom we have "elected" into office (luckily for me I did not vote for him either time), and I so enjoy doing it. And for those that agree, I hope you enjoyed it also.
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6 responses
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I definately agree with you. I'm counting down the days myself. You got a point there about all those Bushs'...someone needs to cut them down immediately, because they're just taking extra space for nothing. I don't know what the next presidency holds, but I'm hoping that it's much better than this presidency.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
I am actually starting to lose hope from now, because things haven't looked better, since the democrats took over anyways (of the House), so I guess we can expect more of the same. But, let's hope I am wrong. Maybe for a change it will go uphill and not down.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I don't necessarily agree with everything you say, but I'm with you 90%, my friend. The reason that Iraq is talked about so much here, I guess is because 95% of the world recognizes the lie that got us there--and the rest are too blind to see it. And the fight wages on...
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jan 07
Yes, the war wages on... and you are exactly right about the world also, which is what we have here in our Mylot community. I am actually surprised that I haven't gotten a "devout republican" bashing my discussion to pieces, but that is not to say that I don't like to be agreed with, no I like it a lot....thanks, :D
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@NexPilot (58)
• United States
11 Jan 07
When it comes down to it, "holier than thou" attitude always shows. I don't care how special anyone is. We're not as self-righteous as we think we are, especially when we are starving.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I find your rant amusing. Other than your stated dislike for Bush, and his alleged ratlike features, there is really nothing much of substance in your position. You say Bush is incompetent, yet he was thrust into his present situation as a result of the greater incompetency of the previous holder of his office. It is my contention the if Clinton would have been paying more attention to world affairs and less attention to the proceedings occurring under his desk then 9-11 might never have happened. The events that we are experiencing now started long before Bush ever took office. They began around WW1 and have developed during the entire last century to where we are now. It is less a symptom of Bush and more a symptom of Americas role in world events. A new president will have less effect that everyone believes because of the way our country is run. While the President is at the helm and generally is considered responsible for all that happens, Congress is much more to blame for the state that Americans find themselves in. It is the collective decisions of Congress over the last 60-80 years that have brought us to where we are now. Don't blame Bush, when these things are really our own fault to begin with. We allowed it to happen over many years, a little at a time.
• United States
1 Mar 07
It is supposed to be amusing. And, the point was not to bring up previous presidents, because, each and everyone of them would have their own particular way of reacting to this type of situation, even such forefounders of America as Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson. So, your response mentioning Clinton, has no meaning. I have the right to dislike any president that is selfish and is leading this country down a road of terror. Furthermore, I do not understand how you can simply say that congress is to blame, if they were, than we would have invaded Iraq years and years ago. But, obviously, you do not want to admit that our president has interests in foreign oil. Even when no WMD were found, we still invaded, because it was for oil, all along, and they pretended that it was not. Saying, after the fact, that perhaps, they were misinformed. Now, if they really were misinformed, well, I would even be more worried about having such a president, than I already am now...especially, since they were warned that there might be something happening at the Twin Towers, just like Katrina, and still, we were unprepared...I cannot agree with you, for there is no reasoning behind your support of such an incompetent president.
• United States
1 Mar 07
Do you not find it a bit strange that a mere 9 months after Bush took office that 9-11 occurred? Considering the preparation and planning that had to have taken place, not to mention the flight training that was involved, 9-11 was already being planned while Clinton was president. If we were there for the oil, why don't we have it?Everybody likes to claim it's for the oil, but it isn't. If it was we would be enjoying the benefits of cheap gas, and we would be shipping it. We are not. The possibility of WMD's having been there has not been dismissed by any stretch of the imagination. It is very possible that they were removed before the invasion. Furthermore, the UN thought that Saddam had WMD's also because he kept saying that he had them. As far as Bush being responsible for Katrina, well that is ludicrous in the extreme. Louisiana had been trying for years to get improvements done in New Orleans and Congress kept telling them no. But go ahead, blame a 500 year hurricane on Bush. Congress is the entity that sets the overall tenor of the country, not the President. The Democrats controlled Congress for 2 years while Clinton was in office, and he still didn't get anything worthwhile done. He didn't do anything with the minimum wage that everyone is howling about. Why do you suppose that is? He did however sign into law a 5 year lifetime limit for welfare, which pretty much goes against everything a good Democrat stands for. And yet you call Bush incompetent. I can't agree with your reasoning at all. It is lacking in logic.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I completely agree with you about your view of G.W. It scares me that a complete idiot like that can be running an entire country. I didn't vote for him either and was alarmed and disgusted by almost all of the decisions he's made about Iraq. I served in the Army for 3 years and am grateful that he wasn' my commander-in-chief.
• United States
1 Mar 07
I am glad that you were not sent to that war, because there are so many soldiers that just don't want to go, and don't want to be there, but he does not care. Today, on Tv, they were showing all of the dumb things that he does, and, I actually have one of those calenders, that has all the dumb things famous people say...it is almost entirely full of Bush-isms...and there is one there just for him That is 365 days of Bush's Dumbness...way more than I can handle.
@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Keep on preaching about the rat! YEAH! I love freedom of speech...Bush is a moron!