What is it with all the racist posts on this forum?

October 3, 2006 10:50am CST
Having just become a member of this forum, I'm shocked at the racism, and uneducated comments flying about esp regarding religion and politics. Many of the posts are answered with huge bias and no basis what so ever?? I think in the very least when answers are given you should state in my opinion.... rather than write as if its fact!!
2 responses
• United States
3 Oct 06
People like being Internet tough guys.
@babray06 (1787)
• India
3 Oct 06
I totally agree with you on this. There are plentiful of them in this forum. I have been surprised also but I feel most of the threads are created just in the expectations that the thread will get longer because of people responses and they might earn points and money. I guess these people just pollute the whole environment.