why dont they want to heroes anymore instead of evil ?

United States
January 13, 2007 1:06am CST
it used to be important to save , to rescue, to be a heroe. Why dont young people follow the good guys instead of the gangs?
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2 responses
• United States
13 Jan 07
It's all about following trends. What's in today is the gangsta' mentality. You have to go along to get along. Youth are very easily swayed by their peers. Not to worry, sooner or later the trend will swing to something else.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jan 07
Thank you for your post! Its good to talk about real issues and solutions. I like conversations that are informative and that help someone.
• United States
2 Mar 07
Thanks for the vote eaforeman6.
• Canada
2 Mar 07
i doubt this trend will swing on it's own, in part it is peer pressure the go along to get along mentality. but thats not the end of the story here. heroes arent as prominent in the media any more. i'll admit i dont watch as many main stream shows as the average person i would rather watch the agenda with steve paikin then 24 but something i am not seeing so much in main stream media i do watch is the hero. it might be in the movies are stuff but on the average TV how many shows are teens watching that feature the hero taking out the bad guy type stuff? if i am wrong which i fully admit i might be like i said i dont watch the mainstream stuff like 24 and jailbreak so i could very easily be wrong tell me