What is wrong with the world?

United States
October 3, 2006 6:24pm CST
People are going nuts!!!!! Everyone is complaining about all the violence but yet think it is everyone elses falt but there own. The raising of a child and how that child will act when they get older is totally up to the parents. TEACH your CHILDREN MORRALS!!!!! Does anyone else agree with me?
1 response
@sherinek (3320)
• United States
4 Oct 06
I do. While the parents have a huge role, there are monsters who plan day and night to turn the children to their side. This is done by people who go after money and power. I feel like a fish who's trying hard to escape a fisherman's net. Everywhere its the same. I honestly dont realize why people can be satisfied with whatever they have.
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
4 Oct 06
i must say i feel a bit that way at times too
• United States
5 Oct 06
TY for the response and I agree sometimes I feel like I am a small fish in a big pond who cannot make a difference. So all I can do is try and teach morrals to my nieces and nephews and try to help any other kid I come across.