Worry is no, MONEY is not an object..

@raijin (10345)
January 15, 2007 6:14am CST
Yes! You read it right:) How many of us still value money, as it is like our life? Or are there others that still spend it more wisely? Have you ever heard of a so-called, "One day Millionaire?" (One that spends his earnings the whole day and almost nothing is left for him for the coming days). The fact is he's just an average working person, working perhaps for his family or for just himself. What can you say about their views in life and in how they value money? How important is money for you and your life? Can we live without it?
1 response
• Romania
15 Jan 07
Nowadays people view money as "the thing that separates the men from the boys",a hierarchy is built on the basis of how much money you have, as well as your place on the social-ladder;and another is that people will do just about anthing to make money,no matter on how many bodies they have to step over, or how much humiliation or suffering is involved in the process, even in this day and age "money still talks"
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
I know what you mean.. Thanks for the post;)