Pepperoni!! :D

@rsmith512 (1561)
United States
January 16, 2007 5:51pm CST
Do you like pepperoni? Have you ever tried Turkey Pepperoni? I really like pepperoni and I think that Turkey Pepperoni tastes just like regular pepperoni, just less greasy! My dad likes regular pepperoni and he likes the grease. I for one would rather have less grease on my fingers, but when it is one your pizza who doesn't like a little grease?? So, which do you prefer?
5 responses
@medooley (1873)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I have never tried Turkey Pepperoni... what is your mother feeding you? I like your dad believe that pepperoni should be full of grease and when it is on the pizza I prefer the pepperoni to make a little bowl when it is cooking and make a little bowl full of grease! Perhaps sometime I will try this new fanglened pepperoni but not until my doctor tells me I need too... :O)
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
17 Jan 07
She is feeding me healthy food!! :D And gross! A bowl of grease, what for?? To dip you pizza in? LOL I like some grease on my pizza because that is what makes it so great, but please...not a bowl full of grease on my pizza!! Thanks! LOL :P
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Umm, honey...I don't think he was really meaning a bowl of is what the pizza resembles when the pizza has a puddle of grease on it. LOL As for what I feed my kids...LOL...yes, I like to give them the option of eating healthy. LOL Their dad prefers real pepperoni and I prefer turkey pepperoni. :) So, they get to choose. LOL Nothing wrong with teaching them that there are healthy choices when their father likes to teach the unhealthy. :)
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@medooley (1873)
• United States
17 Jan 07
The pepperoni when it cooks, the outside turns up and the pepperoni is a little tiny bowl. In the tiny pepperoni bowl is grease from the pepperoni... that is the bowl of grease.
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@ladyambi (80)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Where can you find turkey pepperoni. I go to the grocery store at least twice a week and I have never seen that. I would like to try it.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 Jan 07
It also looks like the regular pepperoni package. Except it has the word Turkey under the normal logo for pepperoni. You have to really look because there will be more rows of regular pepperoni rather than the couple rows of turkey pepperoni.
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
17 Jan 07
We get it from Super WalMart across the street. If there is a Super WalMart somewhere near where you live that would be the best place to find Turkey Pepperoni. We get Hormel Turkey Pepperoni if that helps.
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• United States
19 Jan 07
thanks,next time i go to walmart i will look for that.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I prefer tha less grease personally. The grease upsets my stomach. And yes, I like turkey pepperoni. It is actually a really good snack to just grab and go! :)
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I like snacks that you can just grab and go! And the ones that can be filling are the best! I could grab a bag of pepperoni and still want more after that. LOL Just Kidding I have never tried!! :DD
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I've never had turkey pepperoni, but since I love pepperoni I would be willing to try it. I hate it when you get a pepperoni pizza and you have to soak all the grease up with your napking. Then what do you do with the napkin? Do you just leave it on the resturant table waded up?? Ah, the dilema of eating pizza!
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
17 Jan 07
A little grease is okay when you are eating pizza, but when one has to soak it up with a napkin it is too much!! I would leave the napkin on the table and maybe they would see that they need to stop making it soo greasey!!! :D
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• Thailand
17 Jan 07
I prefers a plain pepperoni, tough i have not tried a turkey pepperoni, i gues if given a chance i'll try it since i'm a big fan of pepperoni.