I can't live without rice

January 17, 2007 7:01am CST
Rice is a staple food in my country. Every meal, there must be rice in the table. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, everyone can afford to buy rice and everyone is willing to eat rice. That is why I can't imagine living in countries who does not consider rice as a staple food but bread and mash potatoes instead. Without rice, other vians seem to be dead. FOr asians like me, if I were ask to bring any food in an island, it would be rice.
17 responses
@wepay2 (346)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
i feel sorry for you i prefer a change in food everyday not the same thing day in day out it gets boring
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@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
8 Oct 07
Yes i believe so because thats what we get used too since birth. Though i am a Rice person i also believe in changes, just in case if i will be relocated in other country that has no rice perhaps i will learn to like their food in order to survive. If i get used too then my body will adjust but of course once in a while i will eat a rice whenever there is.
• Pakistan
30 Jan 07
Most rice dishes are in Kasmiree style some one may be have exprience in this mylot.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
i'm not asian, but i eat rice EVERY day. i love it. i can't live without it either! i love the 5 min rice. i know its not as good for you, but its much faster to cook then long grain! what kind do you usually make ?
@ChuckGel (244)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
I badly agree with you my dear. Me too can't live without rice even in a single meal. I prefer then to eat even rice alone than to have so many kinds of food without rice.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
I am Asian too and I thought I couldn't live without rice. then I started cooking with pasta and get used to it. I still love Asian egg noodles and sohun. I am not very fond of Spaghetti but definitely I know I can live without rice now. Sure I'll eat local food with rice when I visit my family back home.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
i think i can skip a few meals without rice but to live without it, i just cant. eversince i learned to swallow solid food, i have been fed by rice. its a life i have lived. life wouldnt be the same without that white yummy, delicious rice on the table.
@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
17 Jan 07
We eat rice very often too. But ofcourse with very diferent side dishesh, thats why I don't feel bore eating it often.
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
rice is the best thing ever
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
rice rice baby ice ice baby
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
rice rice baby rice rice baby
• Pakistan
27 Jan 07
rice is pretty good for ur health as well it contains good amount of carbz as well as protiens
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 07
fried rice - fried rice with fried egg.
i am an asian . but im fleksible. i can eat almost anything even gaple(kind of tapioka flour) bread, rice, potato. as long as i know it contain carbohidrate for energy. but i realy like rice specialy nasi goreng.
• Lebanon
27 Jan 07
In my country lot of food types are available. But the famous thing which is loved by south indians is rice... Without rice i cant live... really it is an amazing food as well as a boon which is high in nutrient content and any sidish can match it... we can either boil it and eat or we can grind and it can be used to prepare dosai or idly... Am really proud to eat rice.. do u?
@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
17 Jan 07
Well. if you finish rice you can try spaghetti!
@abednego7 (1060)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
You're from PI right? Well in some part of our country, people deal their daily life so hard that can't afford to serve rice for 3 meals a day. So they use some substitute like sweet potato, cassava, and corn. In Manila alone most people in depress area make pandesal as their only food for breakfast. Sometimes I just wonder when our President will fulfill her promise of food in every table of Filipino family.
@gexi1987 (329)
• China
17 Jan 07
i am chinese.rice is also a staple food in my country.i love it.i have the same feeling as you,rice is indispensable.how can westerns live without it.haha