If i continue to smoke will it really damage my health?

January 18, 2007 7:17am CST
ive been smoking since i was 13, and now at 16 ive decided to quit but i dont know if i can do it.. I dont see the harm in it, as i don't get any bother from smoking. what shud i do ??
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9 responses
@vyaasrad (565)
• India
24 Jan 07
yes it is injurious to health
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Jan 07
You should quit of course...trust me..you may not be feelign it now but by the time you are my age if you havent quit YOU'LL FEEL IT believe me..I started smoking when I was 8 and still do, I'm now 36...believe me, you'll feel it ;-) besides...realistically, what do you GET out of smoking anyway....do you like the taste? Do you enjoy your senses being not quite up to par (cause believe me they arent if you are a reg smoker)..do you like how irritated you might get if you have to go without a ciggie for too long? do you like the money your wasting on them? and so on....If you have it in your head to quit then dont say "I dont know if I can"....say "f this. I AM QUITTING" and just do it.. ;-) good luck to you
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• Portugal
21 Jan 07
I think the best way would be to get medical help to help you fight that addiction. The sooner, the better...
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@meoasis (720)
• Nepal
21 Jan 07
none of your well wishers give you a advice to smoke and no doctors suggest you to smoke it is primiraly an intoxian and you are not smoking now because you have thought of leaving it you are just smonking because your brain needs that basically it is an intoxian and you must create a strong will power to leave it,drink a lot of water and do other things of your intrest which you enjoy most
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@ikelliza (353)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
You should quit before its not too late. Smoking can kill you it affects to our lungs and some other parts of our internal system. try some things that will change your habit, so that, you can avoid smoking.
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• India
24 Jan 07
I started when i was 16 but really at 26 it is harming me, the problem is of my heart become so weak doctor says u have to quit from smoking neither u have to suffer from heart problem it really does`nt suit me and causing lots of problem
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@ezzrssi (11188)
• Italy
18 Jan 07
yes of course it is
18 Jan 07
rite.. that didnt really help me ther..
@devideddi (1435)
• United States
21 Jan 07
girlfriend, u go ahead and stop smoking!! There's the cancer thing..and the second hand smoke, makes fingers yellow, breath bad, expensive. That is plenty right? Plus it will be easier for you to stop now than years from now. Just taper down little by little. Don't try cold turkey. Get down to just one or two a day then eventually you won't even want those. If it seems hard, ask God for the strength. You kinda sound like me, I started at 13. I have been smoke free 7 years now. Good luck
• United States
24 Jan 07
Beyond the the health issues of tomorrow that smoking causes think about the vanity issues they are causing today. You stink, do you know that? To people around you, you smell just nasty and perfume doesn't cover it up. Your teeth will get yellow and covered in scum, that is is not attractive. You get smoker lip, where you have these ugly little wrinkles around your lips they make you look old. Smoking gives your skin an yellow tint and not the attrative tan look either. Your finger nails will be brittle and yellow. Instead of having a good time at the movie or concert you will be thinking "man I need a cig" You could use your cig. money to buy clothes, music, concert tickets, a car, gas for your car, a hair do, prom dress, nice handbag, decor for your room, a college fund I could go on forever you get the point. Just stop! Go to your health care professional, ask you parents, go online to places that give good advice on how to quit.
25 Jan 07
Ok you are oviously not a smoker.. not all of them stink excuse me, because I for one, ahve always been told i never smeel of smoke. thats only if your in an enclosed space. Another few things, I do not have yellow teeth, theyre actully very white, my fingernails have not turned yellow, i dont have 'smokers lip' as u like to call it with the wrinkles, and nor do i have yellow skin.