What sports or acticites do you haev your children in?

United States
January 18, 2007 11:56pm CST
It is crazy around where we live. Kids are in all kinds of stuff. What types of activites are your kids in? What sports? How many is too much?
3 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Before I list off what my kids are involved in, I'll respond to the 'how much is too much' line. It depends on the child. As long as the child remains interested, has the time to continue them without their family life or schoolwork suffering, then they should join as many as they can. Activities are an excellent way to enhance development, provide extra talents, and they make some good friends along the way that they share common interests with. I have five kids, and each is involved in their own activities. My oldest is 12, and he's in a community soccer program, chess club and karate. During the winter he often takes on some volunteer work to make up for the lack of his soccer program. Somewhere in there he found time for a paper route to start putting some money away. He also takes guitar lessons weekly. My 11 year old daughter is in modern dance and gymnastics. She also has a paper route on the side, and takes keyboard lessons. She's now showing some interest in taking lessons for violin, as well. My 9 year old son is in karate and t-ball. My 8 year old daughter is in gymnastics and ballet. The only one of my 5 that isn't involved in activities yet is my youngest, and that's only because he's too young. He'll be 6 in April, and then he'll likely pick something to try. Knowing him, I'd expect it to be soccer like his older brother.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
19 Jan 07
I think that children have to find activities and hobbies that they both like and are good at. In order to do so, it can be necessary to try out a few things, also, better to start off with lots of activities and then drop a few along the way. I think that too many activities is a label that should be applied when the parent has an idea in their head that their child should be, say, a concert pianist and sends them to every musical activity when what the child really wants to do is learn karate! It is good thing for a child to do activities. How many really successful in their career people are practicing in an area that started of as a childhood hobby? Lots I think.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
19 Jan 07
How much depends on the child and how long each activity runs... My daughter plays basketball right now-- Its a long season.. Runs from Nov- Apr.. Practices are every monday and wednesday and games every saturday. It is her first year and she loves it. She also is in school band-- this is done during her free period at school and concerts and parades like 4 times a year after school.. She does softball in the summer.. keeps her active She also does soccer in the summer-- softball and soccer run together for only 2 weeks... She was in dance but had to give it up because it interfered with basketball... It seems like she is always doing something- but she loves it and it keeps her active. She is 10.
• United States
19 Jan 07
I don't know what is too much. It depends upon the child and how much down time they require. My child is in Sunday School, Girl Scouts, Band and Softball. Sometimes it isn't enough, but other times it is too much. During the 1st semester of school, she can't do anything because she is fighting being back in school and her grades are marginal. As the school year progresses, she settles down and does much better.