what internet browser do u use?

January 20, 2007 1:27am CST
i use opera
14 responses
@doc_sid9 (316)
• India
3 Feb 07
mozilla fire-fox... its better than internet explorer. opera has its own potential
• India
3 Feb 07
I use moxilla fire fox
• Romania
21 Jan 07
Now I'm useing Internet Explorer, but in the past a used Mozila.
@Neamtzu89 (122)
• Romania
21 Jan 07
I use opera too but i think i will instal IE 7;)
@bison007 (254)
• Indonesia
21 Jan 07
I'm using firefox now. It's the best browser for me. Realible and has lots of add on, so you can cutomize your own browser.
• United States
21 Jan 07
I use internet explorer at work but I use firefox when I get home.
@wiessied (646)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I use internet explorer i have never tryed opera,and probably never will.
@dan20071 (724)
• Romania
20 Jan 07
I use internet explorer and I think that I'll never change it with anything because I got used to it and I like it :D
• India
20 Jan 07
Internet explorer 7.0
@durzor (42)
• New Zealand
20 Jan 07
I used IE for a while but kept having problems so I switched to Avant Browser and its great!!!
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
20 Jan 07
I use internet explorer, and I am happy with it, but I have also installed mozilla firefox, because I need it in some specific things, like downloading video's from you tube
• India
20 Jan 07
I am using IE 7 as i think it works faster and better than others
@vertex (803)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
mozilla firefox. but ie7 is best
@marcoo (189)
• Italy
20 Jan 07
i use explorer but i like opera