why some are making 100 of dollars on the net and some cannot

@niitesh (1653)
January 22, 2007 10:43am CST
why is that some are making money on the money and some like me cannot however hard you try.........i have been trying my heart out but have not received much money till now as a matter of fact just received from one site please those making money on the net pass on the mantra so we tooo can earn few
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2 responses
• India
22 Jan 07
yeah you are rigth ! even i want to know the answer of same question ! telling you the truth ! i am involved in earning money only mechanisms and etc since last 6 months and this (mylot) is the first time from which i got paid ! and happy too!
• United States
22 Jan 07
You just have to keep at it, and not get discouraged. If You Start to get discouraged, maybe u should give it a rest for a few days, then come back to it. My Website http://www.fromnothingtosixzeros.com Explains my journey on a question for 1 million dollars. Check it out!