To my Ex: the thought of you still lingers in my mind...

January 23, 2007 11:40am CST
Dear Ex, I still love you. Everynight when I go to sleep with my boyfriend, I think of you. Everytime I see couples in the park holding each others hand, I could feel the pain you gave me and it is still wonderful. I don't know how to let you go but I am sure that I don't want to. Even if it hurts me. You are the one in my heart. I may not ask you to come back to me but I will be waiting for you until forever. YOu are the one. i miss you!
3 responses
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
oh i think you are an artist you can make that a song. Sometimes when we are hurt we can create thought on our mind that can be put in words like what you did and it is pretty normal to feel that way because your still on the process of moving on. your still reminiscing the past and to tell you we dont live our life backwards. I tell you, you can never say that you can wait for him until forever because you have your own life now and you have to move on with your life because thats the way it is. If you meet someone along the way that is really meant for you, you will surley forget him that im very sure of. Dont tolerate that feeling of yours because your just hurting yourself. Continue life and meet people stop thinking of the past that doesnt even think of you. If it is for you then it is for you fate will give it to you. so for now live your life and get him out of your system.
• United States
24 Jan 07
Sorry you're feeling down. Does your boyfriend know how you feel? Maybe you need to be alone for a while before getting back into a relationship, think things over.
@darckj (885)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
ey there.. you remind me of my ex! and we both still love our ex's... if only she knew it.. o, i remember i told her, that means she knew it.. the thing is, she don't like me now.. how sad..but im happy for her, whatever decision she'll make, its uip to her.. im just here... [and she is there...]