Facial piercing ban..

United States
January 26, 2007 4:11pm CST
i was talking to a friend at work and she said the state of Illinois was thinking about banning facial piercings due to it being self mutilation. which is ridiculous. when i got my tongue pierced it didn't even hurt. so how is that self mutilation? what do you think about this?
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35 responses
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Illinois is trying to say piercings is classified as mutilation?? So if someone shows themselves in public with an earing would be whisked away to jail? And a tatoo would also mean jail where they add more tatoos? Please,Big Brother,don't take this wrong.....but.....stay out of my private life!!
• United States
26 Jan 07
yep that's what the government is trying to say. crazy right? i don't know what they would do to the people with facial piercings. i honestly think they can't do anything to these people. what people do with their bodies is no one's business but their own. it's exactly what you said their private life. thanks for responding.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think this is an example of government taking it too far again. They have absolutely no right to legislate piercings, any more than they can say what kind of jeans we wear. Although I personally would not pierce my tongue, lip, nose, eyebrow, or any part of my body except my ears, that is my own choice. If I did want to do it, I would expect to be able to have it done without any interference from the government. Piercings are one of today's fashion statements; it is NOT mutilation.
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• United States
26 Jan 07
i agree. government takes it too far with many things but this is crazy. everyone has the right to their own decisions like you said it's your choice not to get pierced other than your ears. people should respect your decision and also respect the decision of others that do. thank you for the response.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
27 Jan 07
If it's true, it's ridiculous! How can the law tell someone they can't pierce their own eyebrow! Hopefully it's just a rumor! But this country does seem to want to head in the direction of making government real big, where the answer to everything is another cumbersome government program. Yes I'm sure looking forward to the day when I'm layin' in the hospital waiting for life saving surery and waiting upon the government to come through and ok it. Ya know how quick and efficient the government always is. Yes, we're goin the way of Stalin, where instead of healthy competition the goverm=nment is big daddy, who equally distributes the wealth, so everybody quits producing and then all ya got is government and people on the dole.. So who, then provides all that money for all those great government programs? No one. The whole system crashes. But this doesn't help half of this country wantin' to go right that way. So they'll keep raisin' taxes, which gives people less money, so they spend less, so ultimately less taxes! So they have to raise the taxes again.. and again... til again everything collapses. Well, sorry for ranting, but you sound young and thought I'd give a crash course. But the big thing is, we can't get rid of the "balance of power" cause humans cannot be trusted to act nicely. Power has to be balanced and have a good system of checks on that power. When gov gets too big. It ain't good. Today, it's piercings, tomorrow it's... everything. {Funny thing is, these are the same folks who think monitoring known terrorists when they call Iran or something is against civil liberties.. Go figure.
• United States
28 Jan 07
if this is true they need to get a hole drilled into their head and see if they can think better that way. i dont think the law has any right to tell anyone anything like that. government has always come first and always will. they are as you said top dogs here. there's nothing we can do about it either. they government is so in debt because we pay all the people of government all this money that could be used to furnish things for schools, streets, parks, public transportation etc. i am young and hate the way the government opporates. thank you for responding.
@Jellen (1852)
• United States
27 Jan 07
It is kind of tough to ban something that includes free-will. I do not see how it would stick - no pun intended. I do not believe it should be determined by government. But I personally do not believe body piercing is all that great either.
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• United States
28 Jan 07
i agree that it would be tought to ban something such as this. it's like them taking our bodies away. i hope it doesn't stick. if it does i'll petition it and so will many others. regardless of personal opinion i dont think the law should butt into everyones business. thanks for responding.
@Gruzzle (294)
27 Jan 07
That's just crazy. Firstly is self mutilation actually a crime? Using their logic, is a tattooist an accessory Self-mutilation or are they assulting you? Facial piercing are no different to getting your ears pierced so are all the women (and men) expected to remove their earrings. This sounds to me like some stuffy, out of touch, conservative lawmakers are trying to make everybody look more "normal".
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• United States
28 Jan 07
i dont think self mutilation is a crime they just put you in an insane place to get you analyzed if they catch you trying to carve your body up. you have brought up a good statement. i would think that if you have it done by someone professional that it would be an accesory to self mutilation. since we're using their logic. i have to say that no one is going to change a person and if they want to look different they will. it's wrong they should try to change that. thanks for responding.
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
For you, piercing anywhere in the body as long as you want it, it is fine. I have a different ourlook. For me, it is a senseless thing. It is best that there is nothing that protrudes from the body other than what I have naturally. If you believe in the words written in the Bible, you will not allow yourself any piercing. For God says, He owns our bodies and we should take good care of it. Thus, we should take care it is kept at its natural state, that we do not hurt it, that we clean it always, that if there is anything which goes wrong with it we find ways to look for cure and get it back to natural shape, whatever else we undertake to keep it safe and cared for at all times. I am aware though that we do not have the same outlook in life, thus the differences in how we take care of ourselves. For my part though, the idea of banning facial piercing is very logical.
• United States
28 Jan 07
everyone has the right to their own opinion and i respect yours. as i do everyone that responds to my discussions. many people have many different outlooks on this topic. i have been in church all of my life. i do believe the Bible. some things that are written are difficult for me to interpret into modern day language. i know the Bible says dont put any holes in your body but doesnt that mean earrings too? that's the one thing i have always had questions about. so far i have gotten no real answer. i appreciate you answering my discussion. thanks
@rainbow (6761)
27 Jan 07
ha-ha-ha, how silly, have these officials nothing better to do? That must have taken some thinking up. What happened to having any say over your own body? I only have my ears and tummy button pierced, is that self-mutilation too? They'll be telling ugly peple to wear big hats next, I can't see the ban happening although may be it's for schools like wearing dangly earings on PE day because of the equipment or something like that. Will people have to be 18 to get their ears pierced aswell? lol
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• United States
27 Jan 07
i think they just got bored and are finding other things to complain about. they already have something set for things like this in schools but even they can't do anything about a teen getting pierced. wow 18 to get your ears pierced. that's crazy lol.. i got mine done when i was 7. thanks for responding.
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yeah, this is the government trying to nanny us again. It should be regulated to make sure it is safe, of course. But that is it. If someone is dumb enough to want to put holes in their face, that is their business. However, private business can refuse to hire people with facial piercings, and they can ban them in the workplace. A private company has a right to determine the image it wishes to present to the public. This is not discrimination.
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• United States
27 Jan 07
businesses do refuse to hire people but that doesnt mean they can't get a job. it is safe to get facial piercings. they have many rules they have to go by in order to do the piercings. thanks for responding.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Jan 07
It isnt self mutilation at all and what a load of crap! Who the hell are they to decide what is or isnt beautiful TO US...Hell in some countries body piercing is a thing of honour...The U.S gov really needs to learn to back the hell off IMO....more and more you hear about various politians etc trying to force THEIR PERSONAL views and beliefs on the citizens and I'm sorry but that is the biggest load of b.s ever....I thought this country was the "Land of the FREE" free OF WHAT? individual thought and expression?? nonsense...this is the type of thing that makes me hate politics I have to say
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• United States
27 Jan 07
i know government is really stupid and they need to leave us alone. their views aren't everyone's views and they can't force anything on us. politics absolutely suck.
@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Jan 07
Even if it is self-mutilation, why does the state feel they have a right to prevent it? Key word, “self”, on what grounds do they have the right? If it is a choice to do, then the state needs to butt out. It's getting really ridiculous with Government parenting us continuously.
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• United States
27 Jan 07
i guess the government feels that they have to have control over everything. but they won't. i'm going to continue to get pierced and may even get a facial piercing just to p*ss them off.
@angelicEmu (1311)
27 Jan 07
Piercings aren't self-mutilation, they're a form of self-expression, and a way to wear jewellry. Self-mutilation is about damaging one's body, and is generally due to one of a variety of psychological reasons. Piercings aren't about damaging oneself, and anyone who thinks that unusual piercings are about damaging and injuring oneself is clearly ignorant. All of my piercings (those I kept and those I didn't) hurt at the time, and all of them were done professionally, by people who gave me care instructions so that damage wouldn't occur due to infection and other complications. I nearly fainted when I had my tongue pierced (in fact every time I've had a different bit of me pierced, the first time I've gone light-headed and sick, but that's just me), but that doesn't make it self-mutilation. That would be doing something to myself such as cutting off a body part, or carving something into my skin. Your local government needs to be educated as to why people get piercings, and the realities of people who self-harm, then they'd see the difference, and how mad it is to equate one to the other.
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• United States
27 Jan 07
self mutiltion is something that you do to yourself to experience extreme pain. piercings aren't extreme pain. not even close. anyone that thinks piercing is damaging and painful should try it. then they'll see it really doesn't hurt that much. when i first got pierced it didnt really hurt and my tongue didnt hurt at all. the bottom part of my belly button did hurt but it wasnt bad. i never got sick or felt like i was going to pass out. i just really like piercings and i have a high pain tolerance. self harm is far worse pain then i minor pinch of a piercing. thanks for responding.
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@tanaclark (570)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Thats just crazy. Its not self mutilation. Thats like saying they are gonna ban people for expressing who they are. I thought this was a free country. I guess its only free if what you choose to do falls between what the government decides is ok.
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• United States
27 Jan 07
basically yes that's what they're saying. no more self expression. what do they want us to be robots and look alike. i don't think so. thanks for responding/
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think this is totally ridiculous. We are going through the same sort of thing in certain counties here in Georgia at the moment. They are basically trying to force the tattoo and piercing shops out of business by making the health rules so strict as to be almost impossible to follow. My tatto guy's wife works in a hospital and she says that their rules are less strict than the tattoo shop.
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• United States
26 Jan 07
i agree it is very ridiculous and there is absolutely no reason for this. that's crazy that the hospitals rules are less strict than a tattoo shop. do they not care about the people in the hospital? people need to petition this and see what public thinks about this. thanks for your response.
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
26 Jan 07
well i think its rediculous this is a form of self exspression and should not be the business of the law just as how i spend my money and where is my money we are loosing our freedom im sick of it opsie i almost went off on a rant lol
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• United States
26 Jan 07
i agree with you. it's completely self expression from an individual person. everyday we are losing our freedom more and more. I thought this was a Free country. guess not anymore. things have got to change around here.
@weemam (13372)
9 Feb 07
I think it looks so sore but i am not against it , I think everyone should be able to do what they want it's nobody else's business xx
• United States
25 Feb 07
yep i agree people should be able to do to themselves as they want to do with no one sticking their noses in their business. thanks for responding.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
Well Pebbles to be honest really Honest I don't agree with Face Pearcing but in the same Breath it is up to each Person themselves I would not go as far as having it banned lol
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• United States
26 Jan 07
it's everyone's choice if they want a piercing or not but they shouldn't try to ban it. i agree with you on that. thanks for responding.
@sandphinx (131)
2 Mar 07
This is big brother gone mad.
• United States
3 Mar 07
LOL. Yep. Thanks for responding
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
11 Feb 07
banning piercings is so stupid that the guy who thought of the idea defines himself. I dont like piercings for myself, but everyone must be free to decide what to do with their appearance and their body. It's different if you own a company and you decide that people with piercings cannot attend your customers...it's your right to decide. But passing a law against piercings? lol come on.
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• United States
25 Feb 07
it's very stupid and a bit childish if you ask me. thanks for responding
@kgs_mommy (260)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I really hope they don't go through with it. And honestly, I don't think it'll pass. Piercings (including the face) has been happening for hundreds of years. I definitely wouldn't consider it to be self mutilation!
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• United States
9 Feb 07
i dont think it'll pass either. if they try then i'm sure many will be protesting it including myself. thanks for responding.
@daitya (69)
• India
2 Mar 07
Well, it should not be banned..as it is a personal decision of a person to have piercing or not..
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• United States
3 Mar 07
I agree with you totally. Thanks for responding.