Earth Quake

@usman4ud (331)
October 8, 2006 12:32pm CST
Have you ever experience some Serious Earth Quake Write down the Scale Value and your feeling
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12 responses
@naaima (241)
• Pakistan
8 Nov 06
I have experience almost 7 Gos save the Human Kind from this thing
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@dellion (6698)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 06
No, I never have such experience in my life yet.
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
18 Oct 06
I havent experienced but am aware of the Gujrat earthquake measuring 7.6 richter and it devastated the whole place
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@naaima (241)
• Pakistan
7 Dec 06
That was totally disaster
@sindra (1117)
• Indonesia
30 Nov 06
I havent experienced but am aware of the jogjakarta earthquake measuring 5.6 richter(may,27,2006)
• Egypt
13 Dec 06
Yes, it was when I was in my primary school, I was about 9 years old, its scale value was about 7 degrees on Reikhtar's Scale, I was afraid because I was a little boy in this time, but my father came, immediately, and took me from the school to return back to the house.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I live in Ohio and have felt a small quake, I surely do not want to ever feel a big one. I will be going to Cal. in a few months, I hope they don't have any while I am there.
@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
30 Nov 06
Earth Quake - Earth Quake
Alas! urs this question took me in the past. I am from Pakistan alas! 8th october is a memerable day of the history of Pakistan. A very serious earth quake came in my country and thousands of people martyred on this earth quake. Its speed was slow in my city but still i felt it very much.
@3acres (748)
• Singapore
27 Nov 06
yes and the strongest is 6.5 at the richter scale
@DizzyGrl (194)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I lived through severl ranging from 5.0 to 7.9. I used to live in California and remember the 1989 earthquake. They are scary while they last but I would rather have to deal with the natural disaster of an earthquake that happens once in a while rather than tornados and hurricanes that happen regularly every year.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
29 Nov 06
The biggest one I remember was... I think it was about a 5.0. I do remember the San Francisco quake way back when. I was in Southern California (where the ground moves and the traffic doesn't -- HAHA!) and I felt it all the way down there. I HATE earthquakes!
• China
27 Nov 06
No, I do not have such experience in my life yet.