In your opinion for what do we need internet?

January 27, 2007 3:12am CST
For chatting? Bussines? For whaT?
3 responses
• India
27 Jan 07
Business n communication
@nyka08 (403)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
i believe internet serves a lot of purpose. one, search engines have made it easier for us to seek needed information. with just a type of a word or phrase, we are able to find answers to questions. second, communication has been also made possible through the internet. chatting and e-mails have made people all over the world connected. and lastly, internet has also made business a lot easier for people. transactions can easily be made through the internet. some has even used it to generate income through their own homes.
@amaine (2027)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
before , , i used internet just for entertainment , , for getting the latest about music and such , , and to also gain new friends , , i was a "friendster addict" i also used to chart so much , , but now , , i use internet for making money , , that's why i'm here in mylot , ,:-)