Honesty is no more the best policy - Do you agree???

January 28, 2007 5:29am CST
I have just started to hate the word honesty, I think honesty reflects nothing but lack of courage and ability to take risks and face challenges. No point being honest anymore when honesty can give you hardly a four-square-meal and nothing more. What do you think???
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5 responses
@imrajesh (1965)
• India
28 Jan 07
still honesty is the best policy. although it can't give u much but the confidence that u can get by sticking to the values and traditions is unmatched. if u are a person who considers value more than anything then u may not say this. if u have suffered any incident that had changed ur mind then its ok. there are some incidents in life which change the mind of people and they start thinking of negative things. but i think that b4 reaching to any conclusion u should think of it again. have a nice day.
• India
28 Jan 07
You are right. Honesty can't give you much but the a vague self-esteem that I'm honest. But even the most notorious dishonest entity believes that he is honest. In fine, dishonest person gains more. They earn better social respect for their wealth and prosperity. Ultimately people will ask you the question that, Ok, fine, you are honest. But what have you done till date for being honest, what are your major achievements?
@dmillman (2273)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Unfortunately I'll have to say that honesty doesn't seem to be the best policy anymore. I've been unemployed for a while and going on many interviews. I've been nothing but honest, and it's getting me nowhere fast. I used to stretch the truth and tell them what I knew they wanted to hear, and it always worked. Now, I wanted to try telling the truth to see what happens, and it stinks! My honesty is keeping me unemployed and it's driving me nuts!!!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
Honesty still is the best policy, you will never get caught out with the truth because Truth never changes....
@Bhutto (741)
• India
31 Jan 07
You are absoletly right there is no place for honesty in the present world.If you try to be honest you will be sufferer nobody else.
@ram2aug (59)
• India
28 Jan 07
some people will say yes some will say no because we live ina more practical world now and man's primary need is to earn money.and nobody think about honesty.for people who do think about that it good too,but its not mandetory.because what has to happen will happen so why cash upon the opportunity