newton's law of online money-making

@hellfire (187)
January 28, 2007 9:51am CST
my friend and I were discussing about earning online, and our talk led us to devise a universal law of money-making which we decided to call "newton's law of earning online" The statement of this law is simply this - "Internet does not pay" FULL STOP. Internet doesn't pay - it is like the cycle flow of money even if someone does seem to earn online - he needs to pay for the internet connection and other miscellaneous charges so there is no way he can earn profit beyond the amount he spends every month for internet. Don't get fooled by people who advertise that they got $5000 in five days - only if you beleive them and click on the link that they send you do you give them a chance to actually get that much money - so remember this law before signing for any deals that promises money.
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34 responses
@chauhaan (21)
• India
28 Jan 07
U r absolutely right dear....n even ur theory is not too bad.... :)
@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
thanks for the comment.... :-)
3 people like this
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I agree with you 100 percent that 99 out of 100 get-rich-quick schemes are full blown scams. Also, the sites that do pay are very minimal and would not cover the electricity bills for having your computer running, nevertheless wasting your time posting just for the benefit of earning a few cents. I would like to add that, however true this may be, the internet does have some potential in it. Becoming a freelance writer or photographer can be rewarding. Check out You can also get a internet job such as technical support for a major company like an internet provider, however these are real jobs and do require training and an education, which most people seeking online income do not have much of.
@snowflake5 (1579)
• United States
28 Jan 07
You are right. There is no "easy money" or "big money" online. You can earn a little pocket money, but that's it. The only exception seems to be blogging. There are some bloggers who earn a lot - but they have typically spent a couple of years (or more) build up their websites and audience of 100,000 or more and have put in a ton of effort. But there are about 55 million bloggers out there, so it is a crowded field. You have to work very hard to get noticed - nothing "easy" about it.
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@tenzen (114)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
I agree. There's no such thing as "easy money" online. But all the success stories of bloggers out there point out that it IS possible.
@hellfire (187)
• India
29 Jan 07
haven't you also known about the ill-reputation spammers have? and behind every successful blogger is a nuisance spammer...
• Sri Lanka
28 Jan 07
I don't know exactly what falls under the category of Internet income. But I earn from the Internet. See my site which is the web site I developed about 5 years back and get an idea how I am earning. I don't say that the share trading I do online is also Internet income. But if not for the Internet I would not be so efficient in trading in shares.
• Sri Lanka
28 Jan 07
What I do may be difficult to fit exactly into "Internet Category", But I earn over $200 from Share treding and $200 from other Internet activities. If you see my first page, I sell a program in Sri Lanka only, for which I charge only $6 per annum. That too brings me a periodical income.
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@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
but technically speaking is it actually earning online or earning thru software skills? i presume its the second...
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@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
well, doing other kinds of business thru net doesn't count of course... and if you've read my post, i said "after deducting the expenses online like payment for connection and telephone charges you'd be left penniless"... does that hold good for you or not?
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@moneyseeker (1024)
28 Jan 07
I agree 100% about the hype and exaggerated claims of quick money. However, I think you can make money that more than covers the computer running costs. I do this with free blogs, absoulutely no outlay, and publish a Weekly Report showing what I have earnt - not hype! I'm not making masses of money but it could develop into more in time. Mike.
@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
no way can anyone make more money than we spend, not unless you are the great bill gates himself... even he can't earn more online than anyone else... its absolutely impossible...
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@theone3nu (598)
• India
28 Jan 07
yes ur law is correct. but we can earn more money than we are paying for internet na. I t is possible fom mylot. Then how come ur law is correct. and also we can earn more money from other sites also greater than our internet fees.
• Sri Lanka
28 Jan 07
My monthly ADSL connection bill is $23. Our household electricity bill is $25. Say a total of $50. This is not for mylot but for everything we do in the house. Just responding for fun I learn $15 per month from mylot. This compenstes a good part of my bills.
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@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
especially thru myLot its next to impossible.. do you seriously think the trifles we earn in this site are enough to pay all our expenses online? no way friend.. its not possible at all, and newton's laws hold good forever... all of them...
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@Silverkid (279)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Thanks for the heads up. Ill make sure i dont sign up for anything in the future. Nice informative topic.
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@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
glad you found it useful... the least i can do to enlighten you...
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@sureshmoe (974)
• India
29 Jan 07
Yes...Confident is must neccessary in our life...
@hellfire (187)
• India
29 Jan 07
hey... i love your avatar... its simply cool...
• Pakistan
29 Jan 07
No Way friend i have been paid more than i pay for the internet connections, actually u have to join many mylot-like forums to earn a good amount!
@hellfire (187)
• India
29 Jan 07
really? and how much have you earned from mylot so far? and have you received the payment?
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
28 Jan 07
Yes! Your idea is greatly appreciated and fully agreed with! This idea I already had in the mind, but I never dared to put it in black and white on the net! Your law is correct -- It also can be given another form. "The money on internet neither be created or destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another form" - this law includes the losses incurred during the process of conversion which often is inevitable? What do you feel about it my dear Young Genius ? I am impressed with you ! Thanks for your sense of humour and I appreciate your presentation skills ! All the best!
@hellfire (187)
• India
28 Jan 07
hey thanks... it contains as much meaning to ponder upon as to be laughed about... joke which kinda makes you think...
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
Well, if you earn money more than your internet bill then it completely violates your law. Some people actually do need the internet to monitor their stocks and get important emails. I used the internet before to buy a vacant lot and sold it twice its price. Mylot users I know of earn more than what they pay for their internet. There are a lot of ways to earn money through the internet, you just have to be more resourceful. :)
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@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
29 Jan 07
I only earn pocket money from the net AND I have a free connection, so it's money in my pocket. However, I don't have the time nor the inclination to make ALOT of money. It's only a "hobby" for me really.
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• India
29 Jan 07
i agree with you
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@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
what you say is quite true but you fail to account that whether you join these online earning schemes you do have to pay for your internet. even when you just do email, chatting or just plain surfing, the bills are still there. so if there are sites which make you earn a little, why not take a chance as well to at least earn something so your effective internet expenditure would be less than before.
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@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
I totally agree with you in there. Very nice way of describing online earnings. I've been thru a lot of those promises and so far only a few did pay after disappearing from reality. I guess if you have to to online investing you are to destined to really lose out some money if not all.
• Pakistan
29 Jan 07
What a lame excuse. Yes ofcourse mylot is earning much more then us then only it is able to pay us back some share. If you are a worker in a company so ofcourse your boss will earn more then you. You are making him to earn more but you can't earn as much as him. So no comparison.
@hellfire (187)
• India
29 Jan 07
with the arrival of IT industry salary has nothing whatsoever to do with position in the company... an employee put under a complex project requiring more work may earn more than his boss under a previous project...
• United States
29 Jan 07
Interesting. This made me think, thank-you for posting.
1 person likes this
• India
29 Jan 07
that is an excellent statement! it is a give and take policy!
@ryanbgico (258)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Yes you are right. But, lucky for me, I don't spent much money to go online. Our office has given us free internet access, so that's the only time I can be online. Really, if we're trying to count our internet bills and compare to our online earning, you just end up at most to breakeven. What more I can say, that's reality bites.
• India
29 Jan 07
yes,......i do think it's right.......
@cillerman (403)
• Bulgaria
29 Jan 07
I agree. No money can come from the NET. But there are opportunities from time to time that actually do work. I think that everyone should judge the offer that they're being proposed. Do not disagree with everything, but be cautious.
@Kicker55 (243)
• United States
29 Jan 07
The internet doesn't pay is correct, however that doesn't mean you can't make money by using the internet to utilize a business. It is entirely possible to make money online, as money making is not the law of gravity or any of Newtons other theories my friend lol. Sure it costs money to use the internet, but then you set up a blog or do some writing or something like mypost to help pay for the internet, then you run a small business online. Now working for the scammers won't get you anywhere, like posting stupid scams into forums and other stuff, but if you have a talent or skill that you can utilize, their is no reason why you can't make money online. Theirfore your reasoning of a person cannot make a profit beyond the amount he spends for the internet every month is entirely flawed :P. If you want to think philisophically then you need to eliminate all errors from a thought. Sure their are scams out their, but their are also people running their own online businesses making 5K a month. For instance, the people that create are making a killing off of video tutorials on Flash, and their are others as well. No you can't expect to get online and start making a killing right now, that's not realistic. Yes their are alot of scammers out their offering untold amounts of money. But then again their are people with their own business entirely online making a killing, check around :P.
@amitsdel (22)
• India
30 Jan 07
I have done lot of research and have not come across any site which genuinely pays to the users. Some site owners attract users/traffic to its site with a fake incentive to pay them handsomely.