I would like to go back over seas I dislike it here.

United States
January 28, 2007 10:51am CST
I would like to go back overseas and really miss it. I can not buy clothes that fit here. people here seem strange to me and I feel out of place. i miss food and feeling at home. does anyone else feel this way?
1 response
@lauriefnp (5111)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I don't know how you feel because I have always lived in the U.S. but I can emphasize. I have always wondered how it must be to move to a totally different country with a different culture. Everything must seem strange,and it must be so hard to get used to. Especially if your family and a lifetime of friends are not here. How long have you been here? I am assuming, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong, that you married an American and moved to the U.S. I hope that there are some people here who can help you to adjust. If not, are there any kinds of online support groups that you would participate in? I hope it all works out for you!
• United States
28 Jan 07
no I am not married to an American. i am married to a chinese. He loves me very much. I am native american but grew up in Thailand. I really hate the us and only came here to goto school. I wish I could go back home but I can not. I have 4 kids living at home and can not. I miss home so much. Thanks for your thoghts. it is nice to know that even though you haven't left the contry you understand.