Would you have Chemotherapy treatment?

January 30, 2007 3:50am CST
If you were unlucky enough to be diagnosed with cancer of some kind, would you accept the Chemotherapy treatment, or look for a healthy alternative? I certainly would not accept all those lethal injections into my system.
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2 responses
30 Jan 07
I don't know, I really don't know how I feel about Chemotheraphy. As a nurse I would say fight the darn cancer with everything you can throw at it. As a person I don't know. Some times we are used by the hospital service as a human guinea pig. Yet after chemo so many people go o n to live a full life. I would have to er on the side of a caution and say its really up to the individual and the type of cancer.
• United States
31 Jan 07
Chemo put my daughter in remission for nearly 12 years before the cancer came back. It made her very sick (chemo, that is) and wore her out something terrible. But it was worth it to have her with us for another 11+ years before we lost her. I'd rethink that if I were you.
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