what kind of dog is the best?

January 30, 2007 5:48am CST
what kind of a dog is the best?
3 responses
@tintusam (1168)
• India
7 Feb 07
My favourite breed's a Pug, but i love my Spitz "Ally" a bit too much to think about any other breed.
• United States
3 Feb 07
ausie shepards.. i am a dog groomer and everytime i get them in they are the best, friendly, obedant and just plain awesome.
@Shababy (140)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I don't know what kind of dog is the best. I think many times the characteristics the breed is usually known for can be true to a point; however, I think for the most part the way a dog is is determined by how it is treated. we have akitas and we have heard that some ofthem can be agressive. As far as agressive they are very food agressive which is suppose to be the norm but they are also very kind and not at all agressive to people. I think the best dog is any dog that you bring into your home and treat well. If you treat a dog right it will be your best friend in the whole world.