American Idol Latest Season

January 30, 2007 9:11am CST
What do you think about this New Season??? Do you think the contestants were as talented as the previous batch and who do you think has the x factor to be the american idol???
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4 responses
• United States
30 Jan 07
So far I haven't been blown away by any of the contestants. A couple of people were pretty good. The guy named Sundance had a nice voice. I imagine he'll make it to the top 12. I think that the folks who were in the military advanced to the next round because of their personalities. How can you say no to someone who is putting their life on the line for our country.
• United States
30 Jan 07
i think it is really to early to tell. there has been some really good people, but its not over yet.
@daryllau (284)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 07
Yeah... lets just wait till after the Hollywood segment. For now I really like Nicholas from the NY audition. Hope he does well and learnt from his mistakes from the last one.
@rlshaw (871)
• United States
30 Jan 07
THere are some really talented people this year.. But I think its too early to tell.. I think you can't tell till after the hollywood week because you never know whats going to happen when they get there.