the ex

United States
January 30, 2007 10:44am CST
my boyfriend's ex had cheeted on him. They were togeather for 6y. Me and him has been togeather four 7 mounths the problem is no matter how hard i try to tell him I wont ever cheet on him he always brings what she did to him up. He is realy overbearing about me doing anything without him,but i love him what could i do to make him see im not her.
1 response
@sylvrrain (659)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I know exactly where you are coming from. My husbands exwife cheated on him a few times. It does make it hard on a new relationship. My husband has even accused me of cheating on him, and it really hurts when that happens. My advice to you is to let time prove to him he can trust you. If you love him as much as you say you do, it would be worth the wait. After a few years of the mistrust, he went from not trusting me, to trusting me but not others. Let your boyfriend know how much you love him, and let him know that there is no way his ex loved him, if she could easily cheat on him. Some women really ruin it for others. They get into relationships for reasons other than love, and then they think it is alright to move on to others without being honest with the current partner. It makes it really hard on us women who have morals, and responsibility to our relationships.
• United States
30 Jan 07
Thanks I thought i was alone. It realy does make it hard cuz not all guys are pigs and not all women are dishonest.I'll just give it time