Have You Ever Been a Victim of Crime?

@urbangirl (1456)
January 30, 2007 9:53pm CST
I know it's not a pleasant topic but anyhow....here is my "victim of crime" tally: been robbed (house) two times have had two cars stolen have had my bag snatched once had my property vandalised once
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18 responses
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Years ago when I was in my late teens, my cousin and I had been out drinking. We were giving ride home to a guy we met there. He had been left behind by some friends. We had to stop at my mothers house to let her know we were driving him home. My mother was babysitting and we were both staying there for the night. While we were in the house we left this guy in the car. I heard him swear and went out the door. There he was ripping out my stero. I yelled "what the hell are you doing" as I aproached. He through the stero at me and ran. Oh, what a bad girl I was. I had a knife under my car seat so I grabbed it. I yelled for my cousin and mom to call the police. My intention was to find him and make him stay put so the police could get him (not kill him). I ran after him down the street, he crossed into the field and was running fast. The police had arrived so I went back to the street. I was telling them the story, the officer get's a call that the guy flagged down the other cruiser and turned himself in because I was going to kill him...lol They got a good laugh out of that. But they knew me and I had told them I grabbed the knife incase he did something before they got there. I certainly wasn't letting him run off into the darkness. He spent the night in jail, and had to replace my stereo.
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
wow mari61960, what a story. I would hate to be confronted liek that - seems he certianly was scared of you. Remind me never to pick a fight with you ;-)
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
I've had three cars stolen, and tho houses broken into. It's not a pleasent experience.
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@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
No, it definitely is not pleasant! Very lucky though that the damage has only been to property.
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@wanna_be (411)
• Philippines
2 Feb 07
I am a victim of hold up and they got my cellphone while I was on my way to my work. I was in a public transportation that morning. My rubber shoes and jeans were also stolen from my apartment.
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31 Mar 07
After reading some of the responses to this question I feel very lucky (if you can call it that) as i've only had my car stolen one. The funny thing was it had almost run out of petrol so the thieves brought it back - thank God I didn't fill it up that night before I went home! I've got to admit it was an absolute nightmare getting it sorted though, I never realised insurance companies were such hard work!
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
my motorcycle parts were stolen and were replaced with old ones by my neiaghbor. sued him but he is still on the loose nowhere to be found. maybe in hell someday. lol
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@writerx1 (805)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Just assaulted and someone seemed to be trying to carjack me to awhile back.
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
12 Aug 07
I have had two of my bicycles stolen when I was younger. One was stolen at the mall, though I had my bike locked up. The other one was stolen by a so called friend. I also had a picture of my and my former girlfriend stolen from my desk at work one time. Very odd that someone would want to steal a picture of a couple.
@Darkwing (21583)
23 Aug 07
Yes, I've been a victim of crimes a few times, the worst being Car petrol pipes cut and petrol syphoned off, twice, making the car a hazard because when filling up, the petrol comes out straight onto the floor, my entire washing line was stripped of clothes, and my flat broken into twice, and metres emptied and other things stolen. Brightest Blessings.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
19 Sep 07
1 burglary, 1 purse snatching, 2 attempted break-ins.
@yana0806 (565)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I have my cellphone stolen... I hope it won't happen again...
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I have had three bicycles stolen; one of them off the second story balcony of an apartment; the house was broken into and everything turned upside down when I was in my early 20s; someone bashed in the windshield of my car once. The most "severe" (albeit somewhat "indirect") however, would be the woman who worked for my business and embezzled $10,000s over a period of several years... I thought she was a trusted employee, and actually she was slowly stealing a large sum of money.
@derek_a (10874)
4 Apr 07
I consider myself fortunate. I have only ever had one car stolen, when I was working as a musician. I came out from work and it was strange. I was just staring at the place where I had always left me car. Got it back the next day, in a bit of a mess. Years later, somebody broke into my garage and then into the car and stripped the radio-cassette out. They left quite a mess with wires just hanging out of the dashboard. Once or twice, people have tried to break into my house via the rear, but I have a security light and it is alarmed - they just ran off when the light came on but left the gate at the bottom of the garden in pieces. When I was a Spain a very clever pick-pocket tried to get away from my wallet, but I grabbed and started shouting "Policia!" on the top of my voice. He looked terrified and gave me the wallet back and started appologising. Weird...
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@derek_a (10874)
5 Apr 07
I heard, that they used to give them a good hiding back then, not mess about with courts and that, but its probably changed a lot now.
• United States
5 Apr 07
Sorry to hear of your misfortunes, Derek ... Hmmmmmmm regarding the pickpocket -- wonder if Spain's one of those places where they cut off your body parts if you're caught stealing?
• Denmark
23 Aug 07
Unfortunately its a fact that during your lifetime its not a matter if you become a victim or crime but when. But you sure seem to have had your fair share. I have been burgled once (touch wood) and i do never wish to have to go through that experience once again. Im sorry you had it happened so often to you.
@sheerjane (112)
• China
22 Sep 07
Hmmm,my sister ever been...she was prebnancy ,was staying in my bedroom then,and i slept in living room.Since every body was sleep on both ears,thief entered my bedroom,discovered by my sister,and then they took the fruit knif on my sister's neck,then my sister cried"help,help..."risk her life,when we discovered,they had got away from my house.And i found i lost my cash.
@caribe (2465)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Years ago I had a CB stolen out of my vehicle. I've had steros stolen out of my vehicle twice in the past year and my housekeeper stole a substantial amount of money about a month ago and announced she was quitting. When we found the money was gone, we knew why she quit. Even though it was a lot of money, it might have been a good thing because she was also taking little things here and there from our house and I hadn't realized it. After a while those things can really add up. There is nothing I detest more than a thief and a liar.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Yes, I have and the worse one being, having your house broken into. My home at that point is no longer a safe place to be. for about 6 months to a year after my place was broken into, every time I walked in my stomach was in a knot. Every noise made me scared, I slept on the couch for month, being scared to go to bed.
@Bizziebod (3497)
11 Apr 07
Hi, I suppose I'm quite lucky as where I live there is quite a low crime rate. Years ago when I lived elsewhere someone tried to steal my car, I did have my house burgled but that was by my ex husband. Recently (last year) I had some paint stripper tipped over my car by some stupid neighbour, but really thats about it.
• United States
1 Apr 07
I was married for nine years to a guy who thought it was highly entertaining to pick me up and throw me. The last time I saw him, it cost me three (re-)broken ribs and a fractured pelvis. But he REALLY scared me that time, and I fled the state two days later while he was still in jail. However, I am married to the nicest man in the whole world now :)