Does anyone read Edgar Rice Burrows books any more?

@bilook1 (152)
United States
January 31, 2007 1:28am CST
When I was in high school my favorite author was Edgar Rice Burrows he wrote the book about Tarzan but he had a whole series of books I donated them the school library when I graduated. Does anyone out there like this Author or did you have a favorite author in high school that you enjoyed has much has I enjoyed Mr. Burrows?
3 responses
• United States
31 Jan 07
I read Tarzan and a few books in his Princess of Mars series. I really liked his stuff.
1 person likes this
@bilook1 (152)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I'm glad to hear you younger folk still take reading seriously I went to your blog and I commend you for being in college and trying to build a good future for your family most guys your age are more worried about hangin with their buddies. In the words of Hee Haw "Salute".
@bilook1 (152)
• United States
1 Feb 07
sorry all spelled name wrong here is correct spelling Edgar Rice Burroughs.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I read several of the Tarzan books back when I was in high school as well. I don't know about the upcoming generation on this but I did enjoy reading them. They were very different from the image I had from the movies I grew up with. They were far better of course. I hope that as kids grow up today they will still want to read his works, they are classics in my opinion.
@bilook1 (152)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Isn't it amazing how the books can be so much better than TV or movies I think it is because our imagination is so much more creative. I found that has I read his works that he used the same pattern in the formation of his writing but it worked in whatever setting he had. I believe he was a classic writer also.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
1 Feb 07
Good thing that you created this discussion. I never read one book of his. And the public library near my house has a lot of them. And I will start reading as soon as I finish the two I am reading now.
@bilook1 (152)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I think you will enjoy them one I remeber I enjoyed was "The Mucker" but any of them are good.