How Often Do You Clear Cookies, Empty Cache & Dump Temp Files?

@freak369 (5113)
United States
January 31, 2007 4:01pm CST
I used to dump the cache on my browsers when I was done but it became a pain to have to relog in to sites that I frequent. I go through my temp files once a week and delete them and have cookies set for 24 hours before they expire. How often do you do this type of clean out on your computer? Anything else you can suggest doing to free up hard drive space or clutter?
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14 responses
@totalguy (563)
31 Jan 07
if you set the limits inthe settings for the coolies and cache sizes to a lower amount you never need empty them really because once the limit is reached the computer will delete a certain amount of the older stuff itself then you only need to empty the cookies and temporary internet files if you are having problems with the internet which may or may not solve the problem.
@totalguy (563)
1 Feb 07
i have no problems with IE at all so i wont change it i tried firefox once it crashed a lot and i didntl ike it. as far as wireless goes i dont like that either, probably due to the problems your actually having yourself iexpect, its not reliable, plus i have 2 computers networked which are right next to eachother so i dont see the point in wasting money on something i dont need
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Wireless is nice but it can be a pain at times. The config settings are what are tripping me up. With so many XP options and things that I'm clueless about, it makes it almost impossible to get it up and running and keeping it that way.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
Defragmentation is a suggestion. All that deletion, you've got a bunch of holes. I clear my stuff frequently to increase confirmation time on my paid surveys. So, defragging is a good way to push the spaces back together.
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@totalguy (563)
31 Jan 07
defragmenting can alsow slow browsing your computer down because files are moved the computer has to look elsewhere for them i am a computer engineer myself (qualified) i used to reccomend defragmenting on older operating systems but for the likes of windows xp its not nessecary, plus theres also risk of premature wear on hard drives if your defragmenting often because you bunch the data into one area on the hard drive then you add more and delete then bunch it up again, when its spread then its using more parts of hte available space thus causing less wear. this isnt a big issue but over time your hard drives performance will suffer and your computer wont seem as fast as it was when you bought it.
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@simpleatif (2508)
• China
2 Feb 07
when i feel my computer is working slow than after i clear Cookies, Empty Cache & Dump Temp Files
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@bilook1 (152)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I do it every time I remeber temp files slow down my pc I do not clear cookies or history I don't like to add the to drop down every time I usally go to the same sites.
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@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
I dpn't usually clear my cookies, empty my cache & dumpt my temp files unless my PC is running really really slow. You can also defragment your PC. But I don't do it alos regularly unless I notice that my PC is really slow.
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@smrohitsm (231)
• India
1 Feb 07
I have made some settings that restrict the size of these folders. Also no page is kept in the history for more than 1 day. There is no need to clear cookies as they r harmless and usually hav an expiry date.
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@chanfrado (1157)
• Portugal
2 Feb 07
My browser (Firefox) clears the cookies and all my personal info everytime I close the window. I love this feat.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
You can set up your browser to dump daily or set the shut down on your operating system if you are using windows xp to clear them at every shut down. Personal I have mine set to clear this at every shut down.
@lameran (1147)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 07
I'm almost never deleting my cookies, cache or dumping my computer temporary files, but if my harddisk space is very very critically, and I still unable to find which should be backup or which to be delete, than my last choice is to clear my temporrary files, it usually will make my harddisk space a little bit free.
• Canada
8 Feb 07
I do mine every few dayss, unless I have logged into my bank, in which case I do it as soon as I am done with the bank.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I have lots of hard drive space since my son added another hard drive to my computer so I only do it when my computer starts getting too slow.
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@Bizziebod (3497)
2 Feb 07
Hi Freak369, I think someone has already said defragmentation, I usually go through and delete old programs quite often too, burn off any songs or films i've downloaded and get rid of them. I'm a bit lax with clearing all my clutter out as got quite a fast pc, bit naughty really as I've got loads of images and songs on here. I'm sure there's other things you can do, but cant think of them at the moment.
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@iduidu (243)
• Romania
2 Feb 07
I think is better to save all your important stuff on for me...
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• India
1 Feb 07
I clear all these cookies, temporary internet files regularly.