do u have stage fear...??? just reply..???

February 1, 2007 7:41am CST
do u have stage fear...???? post ur answers...... it would be added advantage if u answer the following question..... people talk to their friends freely, but why is it that people get tensed/shy to come in front of the class and feel shy /tensed to talk about something when teacher ask them to...???? it is optional..... post ur views.....share ur experience,if any......
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5 responses
@gberlin (3836)
1 Feb 07
No I do not have stage fright. I did when I was younger in high school and even college. I wanted to be a teacher so I knew I would have to get up front and talk and be in control of students. I forced myself to get up front when I did my student teaching in college. After the first day I grew less and less afraid. I have been teaching high school students for 25 years now and I no longer have stage fright. When I was younger I was afraid that I would have the wrong answer and people would laugh at me. Now, I think, 'What could be the worst that happens?' If I make a mistake now I correct it and joke about it. I am no longer afraid of the wrong answer.
• India
1 Feb 07
well i had and still have stage fear but once i have sing a song on stage. it felt good when i completed my song without any problem or mistake and crowd liked it. after dat i have never been to stage.
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• India
1 Feb 07
yes i have stage fear a lot.even thought i am very talkitive i cant talk on a stage.because concentration of all the class will b on us at a time .but i tried many times .but i havent success in doing so
• India
1 Feb 07
Yep I must admit I have stager fear but I am working upon to remove it.
• China
1 Feb 07
yes ,this bother me a lot.when i stand on a platform,i feel very very nervous,also my friends tell me they havn't found.i don't know how to overcome this
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