Mavs might have more than one player in 2007 all star game.

United States
February 1, 2007 10:43am CST
AS we all know dirk is in the all star game and that we are all hoping that Josh howard will be a reserve as well. it lookis like he might be a reserve due to carols boozer (utah Jazz) latest injury that he will be out 4-6 weeks which makes the decsion for the reserves favor josh howard. and the other story is that if Yao ming does not play Dirk nowtzki might replace his part as a starter and play the center position, which the all start coaches are looking in to getting Dampier as a third back up reserve center player. that would be awsome if it happens really awsome. Don't you think so?
1 response
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
it's nice to hear that..if ever 3 Mavs Player would play in all star game.But as what i read the Nba commissioner will decide who would be a player to replace Yao Ming and Carlos Boozer. There is a chance for Josh Howard to play in all star if he was chosen by the Nba commissioner. But Carmelo Anthony are also hoping to be chosen.